Beneficial effects of natural eggshell membrane (NEM) on multiple indices of arthritis in collagen-induced arthritic rats

Autor: Cindy A Atwell, Alison M Bendele, Kevin J Ruff, Karen Wedekind, Joseph L. Evans
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Modern rheumatology. 27(5)
ISSN: 1439-7609
Popis: This study was performed to evaluate the potential efficacy of natural eggshell membrane (NEM) in collagen-induced arthritic rats, a well-established rodent model of inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis.Rats with developing type II collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) were treated once daily by oral gavage on study days -14 to 17 with vehicle or NEM (52 mg/kg body weight). Rats were euthanized on study day 17. Efficacy was assessed by daily ankle caliper measurements, ankle diameter expressed as area under the curve (AUCTreatment with NEM resulted in significant beneficial effects on the daily ankle diameter measurements and ankle diameter AUC. Ankle and knee histopathology scores were significantly reduced (36% and 43% reduction of summed individual histopathology scores for ankle and knee, respectively; p 0.05) toward normal for rats given NEM compared to vehicle controls. The percent reduction of serum CTXII, COMP, and A2M in NEM-treated rats ranged from 30% to 72% (p 0.05).NEM significantly improved multiple aspects of inflammatory arthritis including inflammation, pannus, cartilage damage, bone resorption, and periosteal bone formation. This study provides further support for the use of CTXII, COMP, and A2M as relevant biomarkers that were responsive to NEM.
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