Lactifluus persicinus sp. nov. from the gallery forests of West Cameroon

Autor: Eske De Crop, André-Ledoux Njouonkou, Annemieke Verbeken, Lynn Delgat
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
ISSN: 0093-4666
Popis: During field work in the Noun division of western Cameroon during 2011, 2012, and 2014, several collections of an unknown Lactifluus species were discovered in a gallery forest with Uapaca guineensis. Molecular and morphological research shows that these collections represent a new species, Lactifluus persicinus, which is described in this paper. Lactifluus persicinus belongs to Lf. sect. Xerampelini in Lf. subg. Pseudogymnocarpi.
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