Tutorial 2.0 on Technical Drawing 3D and Visualization

Autor: Juan López de Herrera, Enrique Pérez-Martín, Miguel Angel Conejo-Martín, Juan Luis Martín-Romero, Tomás Ramón Herrero-Tejedor, Jesús Velasco-Gómez
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: VARE
Procedia Computer Science, ISSN 978-9934-8271-1-2, 2013-11, Vol. 25
Archivo Digital UPM
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Procedia Computer Science | International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education | 07/11/2013-08/11/2013 | Puerto de La Cruz, Tenerife, Spain
ISSN: 1877-0509
DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2013.11.013
Popis: This article shows the experience of applying technologies based on web 2.0 in an environment of learning at university level. Students are more and more familiar with such tools and learning at the University should be sensitive to this evolution. This tutorial 2.0 is based on two virtual environments that support and improve communication in the teaching-learning process: Moodle as an “institutional adapted” platform, and Site Google as an open platform. The temporary planning has been done with the design of a timeline. The implementation of the tutorial 2.0 has been highly accepted by the students. With respect to the teaching staff, they need permanent updates and the adaptation of web 2.0 tools in the development of the subject's guide.
Databáze: OpenAIRE