Burdur Karamusa Deresi’nde Gökkuşağı Alabalığı İşletmesinin Dere Üzerine Fizikokimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Etkisi
Autor: | Cafer Bulut, Ufuk Akçimen |
Rok vydání: | 2015 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Yunus Araştırma Bülteni. 15 |
ISSN: | 2149-1828 1303-4456 |
DOI: | 10.17693/yunus.47520 |
Popis: | Physicochemical and Microbiological Effect of Rainbow Trout Farm on Karamusa Stream in Burdur In this study, it was aimed that the revealed physical, chemical and microbiological effects the rainbow trout farm on Karamusa stream within the boundaries with Burdur according to the European Union Water Framework Directive and Surface Water Quality Management Regulations.The Karamusa stream Source from Tefenni Karamusa village area and on the Burdur province, the largest business with (175 tons/year) Karamusa passed through Beykoy and reach leafy Dam and constitutes an important branch of Dalaman River. From the introduction (37 o 13'12.66''N-29 o 41'46.46''E, altitude: 1190 m.) and the output points of (37 o 13'08.15''N-29 o 41'42.31''E, Altitude: 1185 m.) aquaculture facilities that founded on Karamusa stream taken during 2009 on a monthly of temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and oxygen saturation and flow values has been analyzed in the study area; the turbidity, organic matter, total hardness, COD, orthophosphate (O-PO 4 -3 ), total phosphorus, nitrite (NO 2 -1 -N), nitrate (NO 3 -1 -N), ammonium (NH 4 +1 - N) and the anion to ammonia, BOD 5 , total coliform, total bacteria and Escherichia coli has been analyzed in the laboratory. From the result of studies while flow values changing from 135 to 911 L/s that is to be significant variables, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation, pH, conductivity, total hardness values acceptable levels, which is turbidity, organic matter, COD, orthophosphate, total phosphorus, nitrite , nitrate, ammonium, your anion ammonia, BOD 5 values depending on the production has been found to increase from time to time. Whilst it is not detected in Escherichia coli as microbiological parameters, total coliform and the total of bacteria values increased at the point of time. As a result, when the water that introduced the facility from the far region evaluated with available criteria the water cause some problems time to time and the nitrogen and phosphorus loads from the facility had left to the stream are increased in the summer period but it is acceptable levels, however it should be concluded the facility should not leave to its waste to the stream in terms of health of stream and environment. Keywords: Karamusa Stream, rainbow trout farm, nitrogen, phosphate, microbiology Ozet Bu calismada Burdur sinirlari icerisindeki Karamusa Deresi uzerine kurulu gokkusagi alabaligi isletmesinin dere uzerine fiziksel, kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik etkilerinin Avrupa Birligi Su Cerceve Direktifi ve Yuzeysel Su Kalitesi Yonetimi Yonetmeligi’ne gore degerlendirilerek mevcut durumun ortaya konulmasi amaclanmistir. Kaynagini Tefenni Karamusa Koyu’nden alan ve uzerinde Burdur ilinin en buyuk isletmesi bulunan (175 ton/yil) Karamusa Deresi Beykoy’den gecerek Yaprakli Baraj Golu’ne ulasmakta ve Dalaman Cayi’nin onemli bir kolunu olusturmaktadir. Karamusa Deresi uzerine kurulu su urunleri yetistiricilik tesisinin giris (37 o 13’12.66’’N-29 o 41’46.46”E; Rakim: 1190 m.) ve cikisindan (37 o 13’08.15’’N-29 o 41’42.31”E; Rakim: 1185 m.) alinan iki noktada 2009 yili boyunca aylik olarak arazide sicaklik, pH, konduktivite, cozunmus oksijen ve oksijen doygunlugu ve debi degerleri; laboratuvarda ise bulaniklik, organik madde, toplam sertlik, KOI, ortofosfat (O-PO 4 -3 ), toplam fosfor, nitrit (NO 2 -1 -N), nitrat (NO 3 -1 -N), amonyum (NH 4 +1 -N) ve iyonize olmamis amonyak, BOI 5 , toplam koliform, toplam bakteri ve Escherichia coli analizleri gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma sonucunda onemli gorulen degiskenlerden debi degerleri 135-911 L/s arasinda degisirken, su sicakligi, cozunmus oksijen, oksijen doygunlugu, pH, konduktivite, toplam sertlik degerlerinin kabul edilebilir duzeylerde oldugu, bulaniklik, organik madde, KOI, ortofosfat, toplam fosfor, nitrit, nitrat, amonyum, iyonize olmamis amonyak, BOI 5 degerlerinin ise uretimebagli olarak zaman zaman artis gosterdigi tespit edilmistir. Mikrobiyolojik parametrelerden Escherichia coli tespit edilmezken, toplam koliform ve toplam bakteri degerleri her iki noktada da zaman zaman artis gostermistir. Sonuc olarak isletmeye uzak bolgeden giris yapan su mevcut kriterler esliginde degerlendirildiginde zaman zaman sikinti gosterdigi, isletmenin dereye birakmis oldugu azot ve fosfor yuklerinin yaz donemlerinde artis gostermekle birlikte kabul edilebilir duzeylerde oldugu, bununla birlikte isletmenin dere ve cevre sagligi acisindan atiklarini dereye birakmamasi gerektigi sonucuna varilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Karamusa Deresi, gokkusagi alabaligi isletmesi, azot, fosfat, mikrobiyoloji |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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