Delirium in oncological palliative care and clinical cardiology units: A comparative analysis

Autor: Elisa Sánchez Grisales, Ana María Higuita, Marcela Escobar Correa, John Jairo Vargas Gómez, Carolina Palacio González, Alicia Krikorian Daveloza, José Gabriel Franco Vásquez
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Palliativesupportive care.
ISSN: 1478-9523
Popis: ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to compare the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of delirium in patients treated in a clinical cardiology unit (CCU) and an oncological palliative care unit (OPCU) at a high-complexity institution.ContextDelirium is a neuropsychiatric syndrome with multicausal etiology, associated with increased morbidity and mortality.MethodThis was a cross-sectional, analytical observational study. CCU and OPCU patients were evaluated for 480 days. The diagnosis was made according to DSM-V. Sociodemographic characteristics, the Karnofsky index, and the Charlson index were evaluated. Possible etiologies were verified. Severity was assessed with the Delirium Severity Scale (DRS-R98).ResultsA total of 1,986 patients were evaluated, 205 were eligible, and 110 were included in the study (CCU: 61, OPCU: 49). Delirium prevalence was 11.35% in the CCU and 9.87% in the OPCU. CCU patients were 12 years older (p< 0.03) and a history of dementia (41 vs. 8.2%;p< 0.001). Organ failure was the most frequent etiology of delirium in the CCU (41.0%), and in the OPCU, the etiologies were neoplasms (28.6%), side effect of medication (22.4%), and infections (2.5%). Differences were found in the clinical characteristics of delirium evaluated by DRS-R98, with the condition being more severe and with a higher frequency of psychotic symptoms in OPCU patients.ConclusionDelirium was a common condition in hospitalized patients in the CCU and the OPCU. The clinical characteristics were similar in both groups; however, significant differences were found in OPCU patients in terms of age, personal history of dementia, and opioid use, as well as the severity of delirium and a greater association with psychotic symptoms. These findings have implications for the early implementation of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE