Leptohyphes lestes Allen and Brusca

Autor: Baumgardner, D. E., Mccafferty, W. P.
Rok vydání: 2010
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5312618
Popis: Leptohyphes lestes Allen and Brusca Leptohyphes lestes Allen and Brusca, 1973:89; Allen, 1978. Diagnosis: The presence of a thick black line between the compound eyes in addition to the almost uniformly pale yellowish-brown to light brown body with very diffuse black maculation will distinguish larvae of this species from others in the genus in North and Central America. In addition, the vertex of head lacks extensive black maculation (as in L. apache and L. zalope), and the head, thorax, and legs are without long hairlike setae (as in L. pilosus). Description: Male Adult: Unknown. Larva: Length. Body, 3.5–4.5 mm; caudal filaments, 4.0–5.0 mm. General coloration yellow to light brown with black markings. Head: pale to light brown with black transverse band between compound eyes (Fig. 33); with or without thin black line in shape of oval located at medioposterior margin of head (Fig. 33); with or without thin black line located at extreme posterior margin of head capsule; antennae pale. Thorax: yellow to light brown with diffuse black markings; without anterolateral projections or median tubercles. Legs. Proleg (Fig. 34): femur with transverse row of elongate setae along dorsal surface; anterior margin with elegonate setae along distal half of margin; posterior margin with few stout setae mostly distally; tibia with regularly spaced filiform and elongate setae along most of anterior margin; posterior margin with few, scattered filiform setae; tarsus with dense filiform and elongate setae along inner margin; posterior margin with a few filiform setae, mostly along distal margin. Meso- and metalegs (Fig. 35): femora with scattered, robust setae present on dorsal surface; anterior margin with regularly spaced robust and stout setae along entire margin; posterior margin with elongate stage along distal half of margin; tibiae with sparce elongate setae along anterior margin, and filiform setae at distal margin; posterior margin with regularly spaced elongate setae along most of margin; tarsus with few, scattered filiform and elongate setae along anterior margin, with setae absent from posterior margins. Claws of all legs with five to eight marginal, and a single submarginal denticle (Fig. 36). Abdomen: terga yellow to light brown with diffuse black markings; sterna pale; sublateral margins of tergite seven and eight each with eight to twelve setae (Fig. 32); operculate gill pale light brown; gill formula 2/5/5/5/2. Distribution: The known range of this species includes the southwestern United States (Arizona and New Mexico), northeastern and southwestern Mexico (Guerrero and Nuevo Leon) and Honduras (Allen, 1978). Discussion: Leptohyphes lestes was described on the basis of two larvae from the Mexican state of Guerrero. Allen (1978) later reported it from Honduras. This species was distinguished from all other known Leptohyphes by having a distinctive black band between the compound eyes in combination with a pale vertex. Other larvae have been discovered that match very well this concept and the types, supporting the validity of the species. Leptohyphes ferruginus and L. lestes are very similar in appearance, in particular each can have a thick, black band between the compound eyes. However, L. ferruginus has a body which is dark red to dark red brown in color, while L. lestes has a pale yellow to light brown body. Type material examined: HOLOTYPE: larva: MEXICO: Guerrero, Trib. Rio Papagayo nr. Tierra Colorado (elev. 500 ft.), 16.xi.968, R. K. Allen [CAS Type #11976]. PARATYPES: same data as holotype, 1L [CAS]. Other material examined: MEXICO: Nuevo Leon, Rio Sabinas at Sabinas Victoria, (elev. 1800 ft.), 4.viii.1970, 1L, RKA [CAS]. UNITED STATES: Arizona: Yavapai Co., West Clear Creek at Clear Creek Campground, ca. 1 mi. from Hwy. 260, ca. 4 mi SE Camp Verde (N34˚30'55"; W111˚45'45", elev. 3270 ft.), 26.v.2004, D.E. Baumgardner, 4L, [TAMU]. Yavapai Co.; Verde R. at Perkinsville bridge, ca. 16 mi. N. Jerome on FSR 318, Prescott Nat. Forest, 6.vi.1993, Moulton and Alexander, 1L [TAMU]. Greenlee Co.; San Francisco R. at FS Rd. 212, ca. 1 mi. N Clifton (N33˚04'29.6"; W109˚18'03.5, elev. 3700 ft.), 21.v.2004, D.E. Baumgardner, 7L [TAMU]. New Mexico: Grant Co; Gila R. at Hwy. 15, ca. 7 mi. S. Gila Nat. Monument (N33˚10'46"; W108˚12'11", elev. 5580 feet), 18.v.2004, D.E. Baumgardner, 3L [TAMU]. Grant Co; Gila R. at Hwy. 15, ca. 30 mi. N. Silver City (N33˚10'50"; W108˚12'19", elev. 5500 feet), 08.vi.2000, D.E. Baumgardner, 5L [TAMU].
Published as part of Baumgardner, D. E. & Mccafferty, W. P., 2010, Revision of the genus Leptohyphes Eaton (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae) in North and Central America, pp. 1-33 in Zootaxa 2360 (1) on pages 15-16, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.2360.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/5305019
{"references":["Allen, R. K. & Brusca, R. C. (1973) New species of Leptohyphinae from Mexico and Central America (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae). Canadian Entomologist, 105, 83 - 95.","Allen, R. K. (1978) The nymphs of North and Central American Leptohyphes (Ephemeroptera: Tricorythidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 71, 537 - 558."]}
Databáze: OpenAIRE