Autor: Hugh H. Young, William A. Frontz, John C. Baldwin
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Journal of Urology. 167:265-267
ISSN: 1527-3792
Popis: An obstruction more or less complete, due to the presence of abnormal valves or folds in the posterior urethra has occasionally been described in the literature. The condition has always been regarded as one of great rarity. The great majority of the cases has been recognized only at autopsy, the diagnosis made during life having had no relation to the lower urinary tract. On reviewing the records of The Johns Hopkins Hospital, twelve cases not previously reported have been found, in which the diagnosis has been confirmed by instrumental methods, operation or autopsy. It seems probable, therefore, that the condition is considerably more frequent than would be inferred from the attention given it in the past. The earliest mention of the condition found in the literature is in the work of Langenbeck on Lithotomy, published in 1802. Thirty years elapsed before the subject was again referred to by Velpeau (1832), who described several anatomical specimens in which there were present in the posterior urethra valve-like folds which he felt might be of clinical importance. Tolmatschew, in 1870, was the first to give a comprehensive discussion of the subject and recognized the condition as a pathological entity. But these were all chance autopsy findings and it was not until 1912 that the first clinical diagnosis of valvular obstruction of the posterior urethra was made, this case being operated by one of us at this hospital. This and three other similar cases were reported before the Johns Hopkins Medical Society in November, 1913.
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