Comparative study of renal function test and thyroid hormone in chronic kidney disease

Autor: Ajay Kumar Bhargava, Nitesh Singhal, Reenika Mathur, Deepak Gupta
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: International Journal of Medical Research and Review; Vol 8 No 6 (2020): Nov-Dec; 429-433
ISSN: 2320-8686
Popis: Introduction: Biochemical parameters (urea, creatinine, uric acid, T3, T4, TSH) important inprognosis, monitoring of thyroid dysfunction, and chronic kidney disease. The present study wasattempted to analyze these parameters in CKD patients and a healthy control group. Materials andmethods: Fifty healthy control and 5o were chronic kidney disease subjects were taken serum urea,creatinine uric acid analyzed on the auto analyzer and T3, T4, TSH estimated on immunoassayanalyzer. Ethical permission was taken from the institutional ethical committee. Results: Level ofurea, creatinine, uric acid, and thyroid hormone T3, T4, TSH were found to be significant in thepresent study when compared with the control group. (Þ
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