Refining the bounding volumes for lossless compression of voxelized point clouds geometry

Autor: Emre Can Kaya, Ioan Tabus, Sebastian Schwarz
Přispěvatelé: Tampere University, Computing Sciences
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: This paper describes a novel lossless compression method for point cloud geometry, building on a recent lossy compression method that aimed at reconstructing only the bounding volume of a point cloud. The proposed scheme starts by partially reconstructing the geometry from the two depthmaps associated to a single projection direction. The partial reconstruction obtained from the depthmaps is completed to a full reconstruction of the point cloud by sweeping section by section along one direction and encoding the points which were not contained in the two depthmaps. The main ingredient is a list-based encoding of the inner points (situated inside the feasible regions) by a novel arithmetic three dimensional context coding procedure that efficiently utilizes rotational invariances present in the input data. State-of-the-art bits-per-voxel results are obtained on benchmark datasets.
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