Using the Readiness for Clerkship and Residency Surveys to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Four MD Programs: A Cross-Institutional Generalizability Study

Autor: Andrew E. Warren, Kevin W. Eva, Susan L. Moffatt, Joan Sargeant, Linda N. Peterson, Derek A. Wilson, Richard J. Pittini, Shayna A. Rusticus, Martin Schreiber, Peggy Alexiadis-Brown, Sheila E. Pinchin
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 92(11S Association of American Medical Colleges Learn Serve Lead: Proceedings of the 56th Annual Research in Medical Education)
ISSN: 1938-808X
Popis: The importance of confidence for learning and performance makes learners' perceptions of readiness for the next level of training valuable indicators of curricular success. The "Readiness for Clerkship" (RfC) and "Readiness for Residency" (RfR) surveys have been shown to provide reliable ratings of the relative effectiveness of various aspects of training. This study examines the generalizability of those results.Surveys were administered at four medical schools approximately four months after the start of clerkship and eight months after the start of residency during 2013-2015. Collected data were anonymized. A total of 647 medical students and 483 residents participated.Reliabilities of G = 0.8 could be obtained with only 6 to 12 medical students and 8 to 15 residents. Within MD programs, no meaningful differences in item ratings were observed across cohorts. Residents in each school consistently rated themselves higher than clerks on the majority of Medical Expert and Communicator competencies common to both surveys. Similar strengths and weaknesses were identified across programs, but differences were observed on five clerkship items and one residency item.Across four MD programs, the RfC and RfR surveys provided reliable ratings of the relative effectiveness of aspects of training with small numbers of respondents. The capacity of these surveys to efficiently identify perceived strengths and weaknesses held by cohorts of learners may, thereby, facilitate program improvement.
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