Interactions among deep-sea mussels and their epibiotic and endosymbiotic chemoautotrophic bacteria: Insights from multi-omics analysis

Autor: Yi-Tao, Lin, Ting, Xu, Jack Chi-Ho, Ip, Yanan, Sun, Ling, Fang, Tiangang, Luan, Yu, Zhang, Pei-Yuan, Qian, Jian-Wen, Qiu
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Zoological research. 44(1)
ISSN: 2095-8137
Popis: Endosymbiosis with Gammaproteobacteria is fundamental for the success of bathymodioline mussels in deep-sea chemosynthesis-based ecosystems. However, the recent discovery of Campylobacteria on the gill surfaces of these mussels suggests that these host-bacterial relationships may be more complex than previously thought. Using the cold-seep mussel (深海偏顶蛤亚科的贻贝栖息于以化能自养为基础的深海环境,并通过鳃细胞内共生γ变形菌作为其适应极端深海环境的关键策略。近期研究发现某些深海偏顶蛤的鳃细胞表面存在一类弯曲杆菌,暗示该共生系统中宿主与细菌的互作关系可能比先前的认知更为复杂。该文以海马巨偏顶蛤(
Databáze: OpenAIRE