Additional file 1 of A single-oral bolus of 100,000 IU of cholecalciferol at hospital admission did not improve outcomes in the COVID-19 disease: the COVID-VIT-D���a randomised multicentre international clinical trial

Autor: Cannata-And��a, Jorge B., D��az-Sottolano, Augusto, Fern��ndez, Pehu��n, Palomo-Antequera, Carmen, Herrero-Puente, Pablo, Mouzo, Ricardo, Carrillo-L��pez, Natalia, Panizo, Sara, Iba��ez, Guillermo H., Cusumano, Carlos A., Ballarino, Carolina, S��nchez-Polo, Vicente, Pefaur-Penna, Jacqueline, Maderuelo-Riesco, Irene, Calvi��o-Varela, Jes��s, G��mez, M��nica D., G��mez-Alonso, Carlos, Cunningham, John, Naves-D��az, Manuel, Douthat, Walter, Fern��ndez-Mart��n, Jos�� L.
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19194398
Popis: Additional file 1: Table S1. Variables collected in the COVID-VIT-D trial. T. Table S2. Symptoms at discharge. Table S3. Biochemical parameters at discharge. Table S4. Demographic, comorbidities, and serum calcidiol categories at hospital admission. Table S5. Relevant biochemical parameters and serum calcidiol categories at hospital admission. Table S6. Relevant biochemical parameters and serum calcidiol categories at hospital admission in age-matched patients. Table S7. Pulmonary involvement at admission and outcomes according to serum calcidiol categories. Table S8. Types and number of drugs received during the hospitalization and serum calcidiol categories at hospital admission. Table S9. Demographic, comorbidities, and serum calcidiol categories at admission in age-matched patients. Table S10. Types and number of drugs received during the hospitalization and serum calcidiol categories at hospital admission in age-matched patients. Table S11. Relevant biochemical parameters and serum calcidiol categories at hospital admission in the control group (No cholecalciferol). Table S12. Types and number of drugs received during the hospitalization and serum calcidiol categories at hospital admission in the control group (No cholecalciferol). Table S13. Pulmonary involvement at admission and outcomes according to initial serum calcidiol categories in the control group (No cholecalciferol).
Databáze: OpenAIRE