Expressed sequence tags identify human isologs of the ARF-dependent phospholipase D

Autor: Pierre Pontarotti, Hugues Chap, Michel Record, J.P. Henry, Clotilde Cariven, Gérard Ribbes
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 224(1)
ISSN: 0006-291X
Popis: By searching into Expressed Sequence Tags databases (dbEST) using Blast X algorithm software and a plant phospholipase D as template, we have identified a cDNA from human brain (Z45777) which encodes for a protein similar to the amino acid region 743-929 of the human phospholipase D1 (PLD1), and a cDNA from human liver (R93485) which encodes for a protein similar to region 815-932 of PLD1. Sequence comparison between cloned phospholipases showed the presence of 3 conserved amino acid sequences: AFVGGIDLAYGRWD (box A), IIGSANINDRS (box B), and YIYIENQFFI (box C). Phylogenic analysis indicated that the cDNA from brain and liver encoded for human isologs of PLD1.
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