Out-of-Class English Language Learning Among Upper-Intermediate Level Students

Autor: Aurelija Daukšaitė-Kolpakovienė
Rok vydání: 2020
050101 languages & linguistics
Linguistics and Language
Receptive skills
Popular culture
English language
Out-of-class learning
Intermediate level
Language and Linguistics
Lietuva (Lithuania)
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
Mathematics education
0501 psychology and cognitive sciences
Active listening
university students
productive skills
out-of-classroom language learning
Productive skills
Class (computer programming)
Kalbų (užsienio) mokymas / Language (foreign) teaching
Academic year
05 social sciences
Kalbos vartojimas / Language use
050301 education
Language learning
receptive skills
Special aspects of education
University students
Language usage skills
Universitetai / Universities
Scale (social sciences)
Out-of-classroom language learning
Kalbos mokymasis
Anglų kalba / English language
0503 education
Zdroj: Darnioji daugiakalbystė, Vol 17, Iss 1, Pp 124-146 (2020)
Darnioji daugiakalbystė [Sustainable Multilingualism]. 2020, No. 17, p. 124-146.
ISSN: 2335-2027
DOI: 10.2478/sm-2020-0016
Popis: Šiame straipsnyje aptariamas tyrimas, kuriuo siekta sužinoti, kaip universiteto studentai mokosi anglų kalbos ne auditorijoje. Tyrimas atliktas 2019 m. rugsėjį, o jame dalyvavo 47 VDU studentai, besimokantys bendrosios anglų kalbos B2 lygiu. Tiriamieji užpildė internetiniu įrankiu parengtą klausimyną, kuriame pažymėjo veiklas, padedančias jiems mokytis anglų kalbos ne universiteto auditorijoje, ir paaiškino, kokiu būdu ir kaip dažnai tos veiklos padeda tobulinti anglų kalbos įgūdžius. Rezultatai rodo, kad dauguma veiklų, kurios padeda studentams mokytis anglų kalbos ne universiteto auditorijoje, yra susijusios su populiariąja kultūra ir laisvalaikio leidimo būdais, o ne specialiomis veiklomis, skirtomis mokytis. Ne auditorijoje labiausiai tobulinamas žodynas ir klausymas (supratimo gebėjimai), o kalbėjimo ir rašymo anglų kalba įgūdžiai nelabai tobulinami arba visai netobulinami, todėl jiems daugiau dėmesio turėtų būti skiriama auditorijoje. This article discusses a small scale research project that investigated how students learn and use English outside the classroom. It was conducted during the 2019–2020 academic year and completed by administering a questionnaire to 47 students enrolled in the B2-level English language course offered at Vytautas Magnus University in the fall semester of 2019. The data were collected through an online survey. The participants were asked to choose the ways which helped them to learn English outside of the classroom and to comment on them based on how useful they were in terms of learning English. The students were also asked to indicate the frequency of such out-of-classroom (OOC) activities, in other words, how often they engage in the chosen OOCs. The results showed that most of the activities that the research participants engaged in outside the classroom were related to popular culture and their free time activities that were fun and entertaining rather than consciously chosen activities with the purpose of learning English. These activities helped to expand vocabulary and listening, but they did not help to practice speaking and writing (productive skills).
Databáze: OpenAIRE