Autor: Tuğba Özçelik
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Volume: 2, Issue: 1 106-113
Edebi Eleştiri Dergisi
ISSN: 2602-4616
DOI: 10.31465/eeder.406260
Popis: TARIKAT VE SILSILE GELENEĞI ICERISINDE BIR SUNBULIYYE SILSILESI OZ Inanc ve inanis, tarihin cok eski caglarindan beri Turk toplum hayatinda onemli bir yer edinmis ve Turk kulturunun ust siralardaki unsurlari arasinda yer almistir. Bu baglamda, din asirlar boyu toplum hayatinin merkezinde olan ve toplum hayatina yon veren bir olgu olarak varligini korumustur. Islâmiyet’in ilk asirlarinda, dinin hissi bir duyusla icsellestirilmesi / ozumsenmesi seklinde ortaya cikan ve gonlun duygu yogunlugu ile anlam kazanan tasavvuf ise sonraki asirlarda dallanip budaklanarak 13. yuzyildan itibaren Turk toplum hayatinda dinin yaninda bicimleyici ve belirleyici bir algi olagelmistir. Yol gosterici olan seyhlerin silsile yoluyla Hz. peygamber ile iliskilendirilisi tarikatlar icin oldukca onemlidir. Bu silsileler Hz. Ebubekir ya da Hz. Ali uzerinden peygambere ulastirilir. Onceleri rivayete dayali dini ilimler icin onemli olan "silsile" kavrami bu ilimlerin kitaplasmasiyla onemini yitirmistir. Ancak, tarikatlar icindeki onemini korumayi surdurmustur. Osmanli devletinin kurulusunda adeta bir harc vazifesi goren ve devaminda da yerini sikica koruyan tasavvuf, hanedan uyeleri ve halk icin vazgecilmez bir kavram olmus, Osmanli kulturu ve terbiyesinin sekillendiricisi olarak algilanmistir. Bu tarikatlar arasinda Halvetiyye ve kollari da yerini almistir. Cemâl Halveti ile Istanbul'a gelen Halvetilik II. Bâyezid tarafindan desteklenmis, Halvetiyye’nin bir kolu olan Sunbuliyye de Sunbul Sinân tarafindan olusturulmustur. Silsile, Sunbul Sinân’dan sonra Merkez Efendi ve halefi olan diger seyhler tarafindan devam ettirilmis, Cumhuriyetin ilk yillarina kadar varligini korumustur. Bu calismada hicri 1169 yilinda Kayyimzade Muhammed Efendi ve Kurekcibasizade Ali Efendi tarafindan yazilan Sunbuliyye silsilesi hakkinda bilgi verilecek ve bu konulari kapsayan tasavvuf, tarikat ve silsile kavramlari degerlendirilecektir. Anahtar Sozcukler: Inanc, din ve tasavvuf, Halvetiyye, Sunbuliyye, silsile A SUNBULIYYE LINEAGE WITHIN THE TRADITION OF THE RELIGIOUS ORDER AND LINEAGE Abstract Belief and faith has taken a very important place in Turkish social life since the ancient times and has been one of the leading forces in Turkish culture. In this term, religion has maintained its presence as a notion that has been in the centre of the society and led it for centuries. In the early ages of Islam, sufism, emerging as an internalization with an emotional perception and becoming meaningful with the heart’s intensity of feelings, has become a forming and determining perception in the Turkish society since 13 th century together with religion. The association of sheikh with the Prophet through the lineage is very important. These lineages are linked through Ebubekir or Ali. Previously based on religious sciences produced orally, the concept of “lineage” has lost its importance after the publication of these sciences. However, it preserves its importance in orders. Sufism, which functioned as mortar in the establishment of Ottoman Empire and maintained its place, was an indispensible concept among the royal members and the people and was perceived as a forming force of Ottoman culture and education. Among them, Khalwatiyya and its branches have also taken place. Khalwatiyya coming to Istanbul through Cemal Halveti was supported by Bayezid II and one of its branches, Sunbulliyye, was formed by Sunbul Sinan. Lineage has been carried on by Merkez Efendi and his successors after Sunbul Sinan, surviving until the beginning of the first years of the Republic. This study will examine Sunbulliyye lineage written by Kayyimzâde Muhammed Efendi and Kurekcibasizâde Ali Efendi in 1169 (hegira) and discuss the concepts of Sufism, order and lineage. Keywords: Faith, religion and Sufism, Khalwatiyya, Sunbuliyya, lineage.
Databáze: OpenAIRE