Üstler ve Astlar Arasındaki İletişimin Astların İş Tatmini Üzerindeki Etkisi

Autor: Özgün Ünal, Ferda Alper Ay, İsamil Ünalan
Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Volume: 7, Issue: 3 575-593
İşletme Bilimi Dergisi
ISSN: 2148-0737
Popis: Aim: Communication is an important part of today's sociallife. The role of communication is uttermost important in work-life which isanother significant part of the social life. In fact, the positivecommunication inside of the organization may affect the job satisfaction,(Yüksel, 2005:291), the performance of the employees, (Tanrıverdi et al.,2010:117), and the organizational loyalty (Saltık et al., 2015:57). In anyorganization or corporation, the organizational communication, which is theinteraction that the employees of that organization formed with each other andwith other members of the organization (Oskay,2001:148), is significant interms of the success and the continuity of the organizations. Effectivecommunication practices affect the job satisfaction of the employees positively(Ilozor vd, 2001:495). The communication with especially administrators mightaffect the job satisfaction significantly. A clear, reliablesuperiors-subordinates communication affects the job satisfaction positively,while it is inevitable that the exact opposite would cause dissatisfaction. Theresearches on employees who experience job dissatisfaction indicate that thecause of the dissatisfaction is lack of communication (Parsons and Broadbridge,2006: 128). It is extremely hard for the organizations to reach their bothshort and long term objectives with employees having low motivation,performance and loyalty. The study aims to determine the effect of thesuperiors-subordinates communication on the job satisfaction of the employeesworking at Sivas City Health Administrative.Method: 250 people working at T.R. Sivas City HealthAdministrative compose the population of the study. The whole population wasaimed to be reached without specifying a sample, however, 170 people werereached. Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale, developed by Weiss et al. (1967),and its translation into Turkish, its validity and reliability work carried outby Baycan (1985) as well as Communication Scale, developed by Huseman et al.(1980) and its translation into Turkish, its validity and reliability carriedout by Yüksel (2005) were used as data collection tool in the study. The datawere collected by face to face questionnaire technique. The data obtained wereanalyzed through SPSS 22 program. In addition to descriptive statisticalmethods, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used fordata analysis.Before performing the research, necessary permissionswere taken from Sivas City Health Administrative where the survey would becarried out and approval of ethics was granted by the Cumhuriyet UniversityNon-invasive Ethics Committee (21.06.2016 dated, article no: 2016-06-024).Because the Turkish validity analyses of the scalesused in the study were done, validity analysis was not done again in this studybut reliability analysis was done. Findings: When we look at the socio-demographic features of thepeople taking part in the study, it is seen that %37,6 of them is female, %62,4is male and the majority of the participants is in the 31-40 years old interval(%41,8) and again the majority of the participants is either associate'sdegree(%30) or bachelor's degree (%38,8), graduate. %79,4 of the participantsis married. When we look at the experiences of the employees in the job, %15,3has 4 or fewer years, %24,7 has 5-9 years, %18,8 has 10-14 years, %12,9 has15-19 years and %28,2 has 20 or more years of work experience. However, a bigproportion of the employees as %60 works at the related organization for 4 orfewer years. The reliability of the study was found high because all of theCronbach Alpha values of the scales and their sub-dimensions used in the studywere above 0,70. According to the correlation analysis results, scales and allof their sub-dimensions have a strong, positive relationship with each other.According to results of the study,superiors-subordinates communication and feedback which is the sub-dimensionsof superiors-subordinates communication have a positive effect on jobsatisfaction. Additionally; superiors-subordinates communication and feedbackdimension have a positive and significant effect on internal satisfaction andexternal satisfaction.Results: Being similar with many studies in the literature(Kim,2002:235; Shadur et al., 1999:479; Yüksel, 2005:302; İlozor et al.,2001:495; Orpen, 1997:521; Karcıoğlu,2009:71), the results of the study implythat there is a relationship between communication and job satisfaction,furthermore communication affects job satisfaction positively. Additionally; oneof the important results of the study is that which superiors-subordinatescommunication dimensions have a stronger relationship with job satisfaction andsub dimensions. Accordingly results of the study, feedback has the highestimpact on both job satisfaction and sub-dimensions. Feedback received from superiors’increases subordinates’ job satisfaction significantly. After the feedbackdimension, the information dimension has high correlation with job satisfactionand sun dimensions. Accordingly, informing the subordinates about the work andinforming the employees about what is going on in the institution are thefactors that improve the job satisfaction of the employees. The targetdimension of superiors-subordinates communication is the third dimension whichhas the highest correlation with job satisfaction and sub-dimensions of the subordinates’.According to this result, determining the target in the institution, taking theopinions of the employees while setting the target and providing detailedexplanations about the targets are important factors in improving the jobsatisfaction of the employees.It has been stated in the literature that jobsatisfaction is related to attitudes such as being stressed, being absent,being intended to quit the job and being or not being loyal to the organization(Lambert et al., 2001: 233; Sagie, 1998:167; Gaertner, 1999: 480). In the lightof these, because of the result that obtained in this study that superiors-subordinatescommunication affects the job satisfaction of the subordinate, it is likely toalso affect other attitudes such as being stressed, being absent, not beingloyal to the organization. Communication has a key role in the attitudes of theemployees such as being loyal and having positive attitudes towards theirorganization which are extremely important factors for today’s organizations.As a result, communication can have a key role in theattitudes of the employees such as being loyal and having positive attitudestowards their organization which are extremely important factors for today'sorganizations. When the possible results of the inefficiency of thesuperiors-subordinates communication considered, it is clear that this is asubject to place importance on. For this reason, it could be suggested that allthe administrators at administrative levels should create an environmentsuitable for communication among the employees, design their work processes ina way allowing positive communication, and encourage their employees tocommunicate with each other effectively and educate and improve their employeeson the subject of communication.
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, ast-üst iletişiminin çalışanların iştatminine etkisinin belirlenmesidir. Örgütlerin başarısında çalışanların iştatminin sağlanmasının önemi büyüktür. Çok sayıda faktörden etkilenen iştatmini, üstler ve astlar arasındaki iletişimden de etkilenebilir. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı olarak gerçekleştirilen buçalışmanın evrenini Sivas Halk Sağlığı Müdürlüğü’nde görev yapan 250 çalışanoluşturmaktadır. Herhangi bir örneklem seçilmeksizin evrenin tamamınaulaşılmanın hedeflendiği çalışmada 170 çalışana (%68) ulaşılabilmiştir. Araştırmadaveri toplama aracı olarak anket formu kullanılmış olup, veriler yüz yüze ankettoplama tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 22 programıaracılığıyla analiz edilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikselyöntemlerin yanı sıra, korelasyon analizi ve çoklu regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır.Bulgular: Araştırmada iletişim boyutları ve iş tatminiarasında güçlü ilişkiler olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ast-üst iletişimininçalışanların iş tatminini doğrudan etkilediği, bununla birlikte ast üstiletişiminde özellikle geri bildirimin iş tatmini üzerinde pozitif ve önemlibir etkisi olduğu belirlenmiştir.Sonuç: Sonuç olarak mesleki hayatta iletişim hemastların hem de üstlerin iş tatmini açısından önemli bir faktördür. Üstlerin etkiliiletişimi, özellikle de geri bildirim vermeleri çalışanların iş tatminlerineönemli katkılar sağlayabilir.
Databáze: OpenAIRE