Improving outcomes for patients discharged early using a home assessment scheme

Autor: Ricky Banarsee, Lucy Meehan, Val Dunn-Toroosian, Shafeeq Tejani, Alireza Yazdi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: London Journal of Primary Care
ISSN: 1757-1480
Popis: Background With increased delayed discharges from acute NHS hospitals, especially for older patients, solutions like the ‘Discharge to Assess’ (D2A) scheme aim to facilitate quicker discharge and improve experiences for patients and carers. Setting This report examines the quality process from the patient perspective of the D2A scheme implemented in a London Northwest Healthcare NHS Trust (LNWHT). A retrospective audit was conducted using the first cohort of patients discharged through this pilot scheme from April to July 2017. Question A brief study to explore patient views of their experience of the D2A scheme. Methods An opportunistic audit comprised of brief telephone interviews with patients following discharge from hospital through the D2A scheme. Results 30 patients who had been discharged with the D2A scheme, agreed to participate. Overall, patients were positive about their experience and valued the support and services provided. However, there were concerns on the issue of communication. The scheme effectiveness from the patient’s perspective improved over the duration of the evaluation. Discussion Patients’ views about their experiences changed over time, which included patients’ perceptions of the discharge process, patients’ expectations and the way in which they were able to access services.
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