Autor: | Doroshenko, T. |
Rok vydání: | 2019 |
Předmět: | |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.3245568 |
Popis: | The rationale of synergy approach as a methodological basis for future teachers’ self-training for music performance has been explained in the article. As a result of the recent studies and publications analysis, it has been found out that synergy has become a qualitatively new methodological approach in scientific area. Occupying an exceptional position among other approaches and actively realizing in various studies, synergy approach targets at the identification of the patterns of formation and self organization of complex systems which future teachers’ music performance self-training is. Article's purpose is to prove the significance and define the main directions of the implementation of synergy approach as a methodological basis for future teachers’ self-training for music performance. Methodology. The methodological basis of the article is the following: the fundamental viewpoints of the theory of knowledge: scientific character, historicism, dialecticism, objectivity, attitude of psychology and pedagogy to humanistic orientation of education; philosophical views on the personality as the creator, the individual of culture and education; philosophical and psychological postulates about the creation of "I-concept" as a strategic direction for self-realization of personality. Great importance has been given to the systematic approach to the analysis of pedagogical phenomenon and processes associated with musical and pedagogical activities. Principal significance in the context of the research, acquires the position of synergy as a branch of science that studies the processes of interaction and relationship between the elements of the system. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the significance of synergy approach as a methodological basis for future teachers’ self training for music performance has been proved; and main directions how to use the approach in practice have been defined. Conclusions. Future teachers’ music performance self training is a vital element for accomplishing complex educational tasks. The use of synergy paradigm in future music teachers’ professional training allows following the generality of synergy laws, which are the subject to artistic processes that are capable of self-organization. This is precisely that encourages the use of synergy approach to analyse the development and transformation of students’ music performance self- training system. 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