Identification of extractable substances from rubber nettings used to package meat products

Autor: R. C. Schothorst, K. Bouma
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Food additives and contaminants. 20(3)
ISSN: 0265-203X
Popis: Ten meat nettings were sampled from four different suppliers in the Netherlands. These meat nettings consisted both of natural rubber and of vegetable fibres. Nitrosamines were extractable up to 2 mg x kg(-1) netting, the nitrosamine being N-nitrosodibenzylamine. The nitrosatable substances found were precursors of N-nitrosodimethylamine and N-nitrosodibenzylamine and were extracted up to 0.4 mg x kg(-1) nettings. Considering the ratio of meat netting and foodstuff, the extractable amount of nitrosamines and nitrosatable substances does not raise concern for public health. The meat nettings were also screened for other potential migrants. Extractable amounts of several alkanes, alkenes, acids, antioxidants, plasticizers and sterols were found. Several of these extracted substances are not allowed in the Netherlands, although some are authorized in other countries. Several substances, however, have not been evaluated for use in food-contact materials and therefore the possible risk to public health is unknown.
Databáze: OpenAIRE