The reaction of isotope-substituted hydrated iodide I(H 182O)− with ozone:the reactive influence of the solvent water molecul

Autor: Ricky Teiwes, Simon P. S. Jessen, Merete Bilde, Christian H. Frederiksen, Jonas Elm, Henrik B. Pedersen
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Pedersen, H B, Elm, J, Frederiksen, C H, Jessen, S P S, Teiwes, R & Bilde, M 2020, ' The reaction of isotope-substituted hydrated iodide I(H 18 2 O)− with ozone : the reactive influence of the solvent water molecul ', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 22, no. 34, pp. 19080-19088 .
Popis: We report an investigation of the reaction of isotope-substituted hydrated iodide I(H182O)− with ozone 16O3 to examine the involvement of the water molecules in the oxidation reactions that terminate with the formation of IO3−. Experimentally, we studied the reaction in the gas phase as elementary reactions using a radio-frequency (RF) ion-trap combined with a quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS). In approximately 1.2% of the reactions of I(H182O)− and 16O3, the 18O atom is found to appear in iodine oxide anions, thus giving evidence for a close involvement of the water molecule in a non-negligible number of the reactions towards IO3−. As a part of the experimental investigation, the reaction rate constant for the exchange reaction I(H182O)− + H162O → I(H162O)− + H182O at 300 K was found to be (1.3 ± 0.1) × 10−8 cm3 s−1. Quantum chemical calculations are exploited to establish the energetic difference between I(H182O)− and I(H162O)−.
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