A transcriptional regulatory circuit for the photosynthetic acclimation of microalgae to carbon dioxide limitation

Autor: Lutz Wobbe, Birgit Gerlinde Katharina Mittmann, Olaf Kruse, Louise Schelletter, Viktor Klassen, Hanna Berger, Maryna Soleimani, Tatjana Buchholz, Olga Blifernez-Klassen, Thomas Baier
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: In green microalgae, prolonged exposure to inorganic carbon depletion requires long-term acclimation responses, based on a modulated expression of genes and adjusting photosynthetic activity to the prevailing supply of carbon dioxide. Here, we depict a microalgal regulatory cycle, adjusting the light-harvesting capacity at PSII to the prevailing supply of carbon dioxide inChlamydomonas reinhardtii. It engages a newly identified low carbon dioxide response factor (LCRF), which belongs to the Squamosa promoter binding protein (SBP) family of transcription factors, and the previously characterized cytosolic translation repressor NAB1. LCRF combines a DNA-binding SBP domain with a conserved domain for protein-protein interactions and transcription of theLCRFgene is rapidly induced by carbon dioxide depletion. LCRF activates transcription of theNAB1gene by specifically binding to tetranucleotide motifs present in its promoter. Accumulation of the NAB1 protein enhances translational repression of its prime target mRNA, encoding the PSII-associated major light-harvesting protein LHCBM6. The resulting reduction of the PSII antenna size helps maintaining a low excitation during the prevailing carbon dioxide limitation. Analyses of low carbon dioxide acclimation in nuclear insertion mutants devoid of a functionalLCRFgene confirm the essentiality of this novel transcription factor for the regulatory circuit.
Databáze: OpenAIRE