Callomyia calla Kessel

Autor: Cumming, Heather J., Wheeler, Terry A.
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5621984
Popis: Callomyia calla Kessel (Figs 2, 9, 19, 27, 35, 41, 59, 67, 72) Callomyia calla Kessel, 1948: 141. Type locality: Marin County, California, USA. Callomyia cleta Kessel, 1948: 144. Type locality: Marin County, California, USA. syn. nov. Diagnosis. This western Nearctic species is characterized by extensive yellow to brownish-yellow colour, particularly in the female. The female is mostly yellow (sometimes pale yellow or brownish-yellow, rarely brownish-orange) with abdominal tergites 1, 2 and 7 silver-white dusted. The male, which is darker, is distinguished by brownish-yellow markings on abdominal tergites 1���5 (sometimes silver-grey dusted), a strong stout posteroventral seta on the base of the hind femur, and terminalia characterized by a hypandrial process with an elongate finger-like basoventral lobe and a molar-like surstylus. The surstylus of C. calla can be distinguished from other Nearctic species with a molar-like surstylus (C. argentea, C. browni, C. velutina, and C. venusta) by having two large cusps that are deeply excavated and pointed in lateral view. Description. Male (Figs 9, 19). Body length 4.0��� 4.25 mm; wing length 3.25���4.1 mm. Head silver-grey; mouthparts including palpus brownish-yellow; antenna with scape and pedicel pale yellow, first flagellomere and arista brown to dark brown. Antenna with first flagellomere short-oval (Fig. 41). Thorax mainly dark brown with silver-grey dusting on notopleuron, supra-alar area of scutum, posterior portion of postsutural scutum, postalar callus, mediotergite and laterotergite; propleuron, mesopleuron and metapleuron silver-grey; postpronotal lobe yellowish-brown posteroventrally. Scutum with 6 notopleural setae. Fore leg and mid leg pale yellow to brownish-yellow with tarsomeres 3���5 brown, hind leg brown; coxae silvergrey dusted. Mid tibia with median anterodorsal seta absent, median dorsal seta present (as in Fig. 50); base of hind femur with strong stout posteroventral seta (as in Fig. 53). Hind tarsomere 1 long, slightly narrower than apical width of hind tibia, length approximately 3 X width. Wing hyaline or faintly yellowish tinted, cell sc brownish-yellow in some specimens. Halter brownish-yellow to brown. Abdomen dark brown to black with lateral brownish-yellow markings on tergites 1���5, brownish-yellow markings more ventrolateral in some specimens; lateral silver-grey dusting on tergites 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and sometimes 7; sternites white to pale yellow, sternite 8 brown. Terminalia (Figs 59, 67) brown to grey, surstylus darker; hypandrial process and cercus brownish-yellow. Epandrium with short narrow ventral lobe, rounded at apex; apical process short to moderately long, broad basally, pointed at apex. Surstylus molar-like, with 2 large cusps deeply excavated in between; dorsal outer cusp and ventral inner cusp pointed in lateral view; ventral inner cusp tapered medially in posterior view (Fig. 67). Hypandrium with moderately long apical process; process trifid, with 2 minute apical projections and elongate finger-like basoventral lobe. Postgonite long and moderately wide, truncate at apex. Phallus with sharp extended hook at apex. Cercus short. Female (Figs 27, 35). Body length 3.75 ���4.0 mm; wing length 3.8 ���4.0 mm. Head silver-grey with postgena pale-yellow; mouthparts including palpus pale yellow to yellow; antenna with scape and pedicel pale yellow, first flagellomere and arista brown to dark brown. Antenna with first flagellomere short-oval (as in Fig. 43). Thorax pale yellow to brownish-yellow with silver-white dusting; scutum darker dorsally in some specimens. Scutum with 2���3 presutural intra-alar setae. Legs pale yellow, hind leg darker with apex of femur, tibia and tarsomeres yellowish-brown. Mid tibia with median dorsal seta absent. Wing hyaline with cell sc faintly white in some specimens. Halter pale yellow to yellow. Abdomen mainly yellow, brownish-yellow to brownish-orange in some specimens, with tergites 1, 2 and 7 entirely silver-white dusted; anterolateral silver-white dusting on tergites 4 and 5; sternites white to pale yellow. Terminalia with segment 8 yellow, silver-white dusted; epiproct, hypoproct and cercus pale yellow to yellow. Type material. Callomyia calla Kessel, HOLOTYPE, ♂ labelled: ���Mill Valley,/ Marin Co. Cal./ 10-22 - 45; E.L. Kessel/ Collector; ��� HOLOTYPE [red label]; ��� Callomyia / calla / Kessel/ 5998 [on left hand edge] [pink label]; ���California Academy/ of Sciences/ Type No. 5998 [dissected] (CAS). PARATYPES: USA: CALIFORNIA: same data as holotype except 4.x. 1945 (2 ♂, CAS), same except 5.x. 1945 (2 ♂, CAS), same except 7.x. 1945 (3 ♂, CAS; 1 ♂ CUIC), same except 14.x. 1945 (2 ♂, CAS), same except 21.x. 1945 (5 ♂, CAS), same except 24.x. 1945 (4 ♂, CAS), same except 25.x. 1945 (3 ♂, CAS), same except 1.xi. 1945 (1 ♂, CAS; 1 ♂, CNC), same except 5.xi. 1945 (1 ♂, CAS; 1 ♂, SEMC). Callomyia cleta Kessel, HOLOTYPE, ♀ labelled: ���Mill Valley,/ Marin Co. Cal./ 11 - 1-45; ���E.L. Kessel/ Collector; ��� HOLOTYPE [red label]; ��� Callomyia / cleta / Kessel/ 5999 [on left hand edge] [pink label]; ���California Academy/ of Sciences/ Type No. 5999 (CAS). PARATYPES: USA: CALIFORNIA: same data as holotype (1 ♀, CAS; 1 ♀, SEMC); same data as holotype except 7.x. 1945 (1 ♀, CAS), same except 14.x. 1945 (3 ♀, CAS), same except 21.x. 1945 (4 ♀, CAS), same except 22.x. 1945 (6 ♀, CAS), same except 23.x. 1945 (1 ♀, CAS), same except 24.x. 1945 (8 ♀, CAS; 1 ♀, CNC; 1 ♀, CUIC), same except 25.x. 1945 (4 ♀, CAS), same except 4.xi. 1945 (2 ♀, CAS), same except 5.xi. 1945 (1 ♀, CAS). Additional material examined. CANADA: BRITISH COLUMBIA: Cameron Lake, Vancouver Island, 10.x. 1961, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, CAS); Cultus Lake Provincial Park, 6.ix. 1960, E.L. Kessel (1 ♂, CAS); Emory Creek Provincial Camp, 8.ix. 1961, E.L. Kessel (1 ♂, CAS); Kleanza Creek, 12 miles E. of Terrace, 13.viii. 1965, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, CAS); Robson, 4.viii. 1950, H.R. Foxlee (1 ♂, CNC), same except 30.vii. 1947 (1 ♂, CNC); Saint Mary���s, 12.vii. 1926, A.A. Dennys (1 ♀, CNC); Vancouver Island, 2.3 km from Lake Cowichan, 19-28.vii. 1985, I.M. Smith (1 ♀, CNC); USA: ALASKA: Haines, 20.vii. 1962, E.L. Kessel (1 ♂, CAS); CALIFORNIA: Alpine County, Grover Hot Springs State Park, 1.x. 1960, E.L. Kessel (2 ♂, CAS); Amador County, 4 mi. E. of Volcano, 2.x. 1960, E.L. Kessel (7 ♀, 4 ♂, CAS); Del Norte County, Idlewild, 11.ix. 1961, E.L. Kessel (1 ♂, CAS); El Dorado County, Eagle Falls Camp, Lake Tahoe, 18.ix. 1960, E.L. Kessel (1 ♂, CAS); El Dorado County, 45 mile Camp, Highway 50, 17.ix. 1960, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, CAS); Humboldt County, Grizzly Creek State Park, 23.ix. 1960, E.L. Kessel (2 ♀, CAS), same except 12.ix. 1961 (2 ♂, CAS); Lake County, Adams Springs, 22.xi. 1959, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, CAS); Marin County, Inverness, 1.x. 1949, E.L. Kessel (1 ♂, CAS); Marin County, Lily Pond Alpine Lake, 18.ix- 27.x. 1970, D.D. Munroe (1 ♂, CNC); same except 1500 ���, 13.ix- 27.x. 1970 (1 ♀, CNC), same except 7.x. 1970 (1 ♀, CNC), same except 30.x. 1970 (3 ♀, CNC), same except 15.xii. 1970 (2 ♀, CNC); Mariposa County, 11 mile Creek, Yosemite National Park, 22.x. 1960, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, CAS); Mendocino County, Pieta Creek and Highway 101, 6.x. 1963, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, CAS); Mendocino County, Standish Hickey State Park, 13.x. 1963, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, CAS); Nevada County, White Cloud Forest Camp, 19.x. 1962, E.L. Kessel (3 ♀, CAS); Plumas County, Greenville, 27.ix. 1959, E.L. Kessel (5 ♂, CAS), same except 2.x. 1959 (5 ♀, 2 ♂, CAS), same except 9.x. 1959 (1 ♀, 2 ♂, CAS); Riverside County, Fuller Mill Camp Ground, 1961, E.L. Kessel (1 ♂, CAS); Santa Clara County, Standford University, 23.x. 1905, J.M. Aldrich (1 ♀, USNM), same except 26.xi. 1953, P. H. Arnaud (1 ♀, CAS); Shasta County, Castle Crags State Park, 22.ix. 1963, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS), same except 26.ix. 1963 (2 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS); Siskiyou County, 4 mi. N. of Dunsmuir, 22.ix. 1963, E.L. Kessel (2 ♀, 2 ♂, CAS), same except 26.ix. 1963 (1 ♀, CAS); Siskiyou County, Happy Camp, 24.x. 1959, E.L. Kessel (1 ♂, CAS); Tehama County, Potato Patch Camp Ground, Hwy. 36, 16.x. 1959, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, CAS); Trinity County, Rush Creek Camp Ground, 30.x. 1959, E.L. Kessel (1 ♂, CAS); Tuolumne County, 2.x. 1930, A.C. Browne (1 ♂, CSCA); Yuba County, Celestial Valley, Hwy. 49, 20.x. 1962, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, CAS); IDAHO: Bonner County, Indian Creek State Park, 11 miles N. of Coolin, 3.ix. 1962, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, CAS); Chatcolet, 1.viii. 1915, A.L. Melander (1 ♀, USNM); Moscow Mountain, 26.viii. 1916, A.L. Melander (1 ♀, USNM), same except 1920, R.C. Shannon (1 ♂, USNM), same except 25.vii. 1920 (1 ♂, USMN); Priest L., 3.ix. 1919, A.L. Melander (1 ♀, USNM); Priest L., Lookout Mountain, 20.viii. 1919, A.L. Melander (1 ♀, USNM); MONTANA: Sanders County, Bull River Forest Camp, 31.viii. 1964, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS); OREGON: Benton County, Alsea falls area, Fall Crk. jct. trail 6, 11- 31.x. 2012, Malaise trap, S. Fitzgerald (1 ♀, CNC); Hood Mountain, Hood Rapids, 29.vii. 1921, A.L. Melander (1 ♂, USNM); Hood River County, Parkdale, 8.viii. 1962, E.L. Kessel (3 ♂, CAS); Lane County, Limberlost FC, Hwy. 126, 6.ix. 1962, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, CAS); Lane County, McKenzie Bridge, E.L. Kessel, 9.viii. 1962 (1 ♂, CAS), same except 22.viii. 1962 (1 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS); McMinnville, 6.ix. 1946, K.M. Fender (1 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS); Paradise Forest Camp and Highway 126, 6.ix. 1962, E.L. Kessel (17 ♀, 3 ♂, CAS), same except 7.ix. 1962 (4 ♀, CAS); Peavine Ridge near McMinnville, 31.viii. 1953, K.M. Fender (1 ♂, CAS), same except 14.ix. 1955 (1 ♂, CAS); Union County, Hwy. 204, 19 mi. N.W. of Elgin, 26.viii. 1962, E.L. Kessel (2 ♂, CAS); WASHINGTON: Asotin County, Field Spring State Park, 29.viii. 1962, E.L. Kessel (5 ♀, 2 ♂, CAS); Chehalis, 11.viii. 1925, A.L. Melander (1 ♂, USNM); Cowlitz County, Seaquest State Park, 9.ix. 1961, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, CAS); Larrabee State Park, 6.ix. 1959, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, CAS); Orcasis above Mountain Lake, 18.viii. 1925, A.L. Melander (1 ♂, USNM); Pend Orielle County, 1 mi. N. of Pend Orielle State Park, 4.ix. 1962, E.L. Kessel (1 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS); Mt. Rainier, Longmire, 26.viii. 1921, A.L. Melander (1 ♀, USNM). Geographical distribution and seasonal occurrence (Fig. 72). Callomyia calla is a western North American species currently known from Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and California. Adults have been collected from mid-June to late November. Remarks. Callomyia calla and Callomyia cleta were described from one sex only (C. calla from males and C. cleta from females) by Kessel (1948). Both species are considered to be conspecific because they have been collected together from multiple localities, including the type locality. In addition, these two nominal species have more extensive yellowish markings than other Nearctic Callomyia species collected within the same geographic range. The names C. calla Kessel and C. cleta Kessel are now considered subjective synonyms and were published in the same work (Kessel 1948). As First Reviser (Article 24.2. 2, ICZN 1999) the name C. calla Kessel is herein selected as having precedence over C. cleta Kessel.
Published as part of Cumming, Heather J. & Wheeler, Terry A., 2016, Revision of the Nearctic species of Callomyia Meigen (Diptera: Platypezidae) and phylogeny of the genus, pp. 501-554 in Zootaxa 4111 (5) on pages 519-523, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4111.5.1,
{"references":["Kessel, E. L. (1948) New species of Callomyia from California (Diptera: Clythiidae). The Wasmann Collector, 7, 139 - 148."]}
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