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A field experiment was carried out at Triangle Estate, Zimbabwe to determine the efficacy of Pendimethalin,Chlorimuron ethyl and Metribuzin herbicide combinations on the weed species diversity in sugarcane. Theexperiment was laid out in a Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with four replications. Treatmentsincluded; Chlorimuron ethyl (90g/ha), Metribuzin(2l/ha), Pendimethalin(2l/ha), Extreme Plus (0.8l/ha),Extreme Plus(1l/ha), Extreme Plus(0.8l/ha)+ Pendimethalin(2l/ha), Extreme Plus(1l/ha) +Pendimethalin(3l/ha), Pendimethalin(2l/ha) + Atrazine (2l/ha) and no weeding (control). The major weedsobserved in this experiment are Amaranthus viridis, Ipomoea sinensis, Boerhavia erecta, Rotboelliaconchinchinensis, Commelina bengalensis and Cyperus spp (purple and yellow). The herbicide tank mix ofpendimethalin (2l/ha) + atrazine (2l/ha) significantly (pIpomoea sinensis. The tank mix pendimethalin (2l/ha) + atrazine (2l/ha) resulted in 98.83% and 93% control forAmaranthus viridis and Rotboellia conchinchinensis respectively. Ipomoea sinensis was effectively reduced bymetribuzin and Extreme plus (0.8l/ha) although its control was difficult. Extreme plus (0.8l/ha) effectivelycontrolled all broadleaf weeds and Cyperus spp. Generally, spraying herbicides without mixing resulted inreduced control of weeds. |