Actin turnover during encystation in Acanthamoeba

Autor: M. Maher, Robert W. Rubin
Rok vydání: 1976
Zdroj: Experimental Cell Research. 103:159-168
ISSN: 0014-4827
DOI: 10.1016/0014-4827(76)90251-2
Popis: A thin-slab, SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system is described in which actin within whole cell homogenates can be quantitated within a wide range of protein values (0.05–1.4 μg/band). After demonstrating the absence of appreciable contaminants in the actin band, and the lack of appreciable reincorporation of label during pulse-chase experiments, the turnover of actin was examined in pre-labeled cells during normal log growth and during induced encystation in Acanthamoeba. During log growth, no actin degradation was detected. However, as the cells approached the end of log phase growth and entered stationary phase, a dramatic increase in the amount of actin/cell and the percentage of total protein represented by actin was recorded. The encystation process per se was accompanied by a rapid reduction in these values to preencystment levels.
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