Ways of improving the accounting of fixed assets at enterprises using alternative sources of energy

Autor: Balan, Oleksandr, Kachanova, Natalia, Popko, Yana
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1308017
Popis: The article outlines ways of improving the accounting of fixed assets at enterprises using alternative energy sources and implementing it at the "green tariff". The peculiarities and conditions of stimulation of alternative energy by the state are considered with the help of introducing an "green tariff" surcharge and the establishment of some of the highest tariffs in Europe. Measures have been developed to improve the analytical accounting of fixed assets with the help of suppliers in domestic and foreign. The standard forms of accounting of fixed assets movement at the enterprise are expanded to simplify the accounting process and realize the possibility of implementing a project of the SES system.
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