Distributive Numerals in Buginese Language: Morfo syntax Analysis

Autor: Muhammad Nurahmad, Muhammad Darwis, Hamzah A. Machmoed, Asriani Abbas
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7727016
Popis: This study aims to explain the behavior of distributive numeral morpho syntax in Buginese Language (BL) based on morpho syntactic behavior. This research is descriptive qualitative. Data were obtained from: (1) daily BL discussion by native speakers, (2) BL-literary texts, and (3) BL oral literature books. Data collection is done through fishing techniques by accompanying the language informant to speak, which aims to find data in the form of numerals in BL. The samples taken are five phrases or sentences in BL which contain the word numerals, which is taken purposively (according to the needs of the analysis). Data were analyzed using structural grammar methods. The results of the study show that based on morphological behavior, BL distributive numerals can be formed by using the ta(G)- prefix - on basic numerals. Prefix ta(G)- this can be accompanied by a suffix that states ownership and can also be in the form of reduplication. In addition, BL distributive numerals can also be explicitly expressed as lexical 'every' and at ‘each '. This word can also experience a morphological process, which is to add a prefix to a mattungkek‘each’ and a sipattungkek‘alone’. Furthermore, the words can also becomesreduplication to be:tungkek-tungkek 'each'. Syntactically, tungkek words always precede the numerical and noun word categories and cannot stand alone, whereas the padaword can stand alone in front of verb and adjective words, and do not experience the morphological process as well as the wordstungkek.
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Databáze: OpenAIRE