ReFreeDrive - Deliverable 1.3: Third progress report

Autor: Velasco, Jorge, Fabri, Giuseppe, Jezdinsky, Tomas, Albini, Luciano, Milosavljevic, Misa, Carrero, Miguel, Cleef Thackwell, Benedetto, Matteo, González, Manuel
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4725102
Popis: This report describes the progress and achievements of the ReFreeDrive project in the period 01.08.2019 (M23) to 31.03.2021 (M42). Several management procedures have been carried out during this period, as well as numerous dissemination and communication activities. The development of the power electronics has been completed. And the manufacturing of the power electronics for the two power ranges and their integration has been carried out. In addition, the performance of the motors has been characterised and the correct functioning of the developed engines in a real vehicle has been validated. The techno-economic evaluation and exploitation of the results, as well as the life cycle analysis, have been completed. Although the information is individualised for each work package, the interactions between them are also considered. All those responsible for the work packages have been involved in the drafting of this report.
Databáze: OpenAIRE