Chest radiographic findings in primary pulmonary tuberculosis: observations from high school outbreaks

Autor: O Jung Kwon, Won-Jung Koh, Woo Jin Lew, Hee Jin Kim, Yeon Joo Jeong, En Hi Cho, Kyung Soo Lee
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Korean Journal of Radiology
ISSN: 2005-8330
Popis: Objective: To describe the radiographic findings of primary pulmonary tubercu-losis (TB) in previously healthy adolescent patients.Materials and Methods: The Institutional Review Board approved this retro-spective study, with a waiver of informed consent from the patients. TB outbreaksoccurred in 15 senior high schools and chest radiographs from 58 students withidentical strains of TB were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphismanalysis by two independent observers. Lesions of nodule(s), consolidation, orcavitation in the upper lung zones were classified as typical TB. Mediastinallymph node enlargement; lesions of nodule(s), consolidation, or cavitation inlower lung zones; or pleural effusion were classified as atypical TB. Inter-observ-er agreement for the presence of each radiographic finding was examined bykappa statistics.Results: Of 58 patients, three (5%) had normal chest radiographs. Cavitarylesions were present in 25 (45%) of 55 students. Lesions with upper lung zonepredominance were observed in 27 (49%) patients, whereas lower lung zone pre-dominance was noted in 18 (33%) patients. The remaining 10 (18%) patients hadlesions in both upper and lower lung zones. Pleural effusion was not observed inany patient, nor was the mediastinal lymph node enlargement. Hilar lymph nodeenlargement was seen in only one (2%) patient. Overall, 37 (67%) students hadthe typical form of TB, whereas 18 (33%) had TB lesions of the atypical form. Conclusion: The most common radiographic findings in primary pulmonary TBby recent infection in previously healthy adolescents are upper lung lesions,which were thought to be radiographic findings of reactivation pulmonary TB byremote infection.ulmonary tuberculosis (TB) has been classified into primary and reactiva-tion (post-primary) forms (1). In about 5% of individuals infected by
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