Stenolophus carbo Bousquet 1993

Autor: Majka, Christopher G., Bousquet, Yves, Westby, Susan
Rok vydání: 2007
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6251759
Popis: Stenolophus carbo Bousquet, 1993 In the context of reviewing the carabid fauna of the region, it is worth drawing attention to this species, which is known in Atlantic Canada solely from a record (as S. carbonarius (Dejean)) reported by Lindroth (1954, 1968) on the basis of a specimen observed by him in a cattail (Typha) swamp in Waverly (on the outskirts of Halifax), Nova Scotia, in May 1951, which subsequently escaped. Thus, there is no voucher specimen to substantiate the record and there are otherwise no Canadian records of this species east of Ontario. There has been some subsequent collecting of Carabidae in Waverley (D.C. Ferguson and B. Wright, NSMC), and extensive collecting of Carabidae in Halifax and environs, and no further specimens have been found. Bearing this in mind, and pending further fieldwork, S. carbo should be regarded as doubtful in Nova Scotia, and consequently the region as a whole.
Published as part of Majka, Christopher G., Bousquet, Yves & Westby, Susan, 2007, The ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of the Maritime Provinces of Canada: review of collecting, new records, and observations on composition, zoogeography, and historical origins, pp. 1-36 in Zootaxa 1590 on page 10, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.273915
{"references":["Bousquet, Y. & Larochelle, A. (1993) Catalogue of the Geadephaga (Coleoptera: Trachypachidae, Rhysodidae, Carabidae including Cicindelini) of America north of Mexico. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 167, 1 - 397.","Lindroth, C. H. (1954) Carabid beetles from Nova Scotia. The Canadian Entomologist, 86, 299 - 310.","Lindroth, C. H. (1968) The ground-beetles (Carabidae, excl. Cicindelinae) of Canada and Alaska. Opuscula Entomologica Supplementum, 33, 649 - 944."]}
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