EasyCOV : LAMP based rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva

Autor: Marine Quenot, Julie Baptiste, Pierre Champigneux, Francisco Santos-Schneider, Alain Makinson, Mellis Alali, Lise Cardeur, Nicolas L'Helgouach, Alexandra Prieux-Lejeune, Jacques Reynes, Nicolas Salvetat, Marie-Chritine Picot, Grégory Marin, Benjamin Dubuc, Francisco Jesus Checa-Robles, Laurence Molina, Diana Vetter, Franck Molina, Vincent Foulongne, Florence Galtier, Julien Espeut
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Covid-19 crisis showed us that rapid massive virus detection campaign is a key element in SARS-CoV-2 pandemic response. The classical RT-PCR laboratory platforms must be complemented with rapid and simplified technologies to enhance efficiency of large testing strategies.To this aim, we developed EasyCOV, a direct saliva RT-LAMP based SARS-CoV-2 virus detection assay that do not requires any RNA extraction step. It allows robust and rapid response under safe and easy conditions for healthcare workers and patients.EasyCOV test was assessed under double blind clinical conditions (93 asymptomatic healthcare worker volonteers, 10 actively infected patients, 20 former infected patients tested during late control visit). EasyCOV results were compared with classical laboratory RT-PCR performed on nasopharyngeal samples.Our results show that compared with nasopharyngeal laboratory RT-PCR, EasyCOV SARS-CoV-2 detection test has a sensitivity of 72.7%. Measured on healthcare worker population the specificity was 95.7%. LAMP technology on saliva is clearly able to identify subjects with infectivity profile. Among healthcare worker population EasyCOV test detected one presymptomatic subject.Because it is simple, rapid and painless for patients, EasyCOV saliva SARS-Cov-2 detection test may be useful for large screening of general population.
Databáze: OpenAIRE