Image processing procedure for remote recording of the Gambusia sp. introduced into a water for anti-malaria

Autor: Olena Vуsotska, Konstantin Nosov, Igor Hnoevyi, Andrii Porvan, Lyubov Rysovana, Alexandr Dovnar, Mikhail Babakov, Marharyta Kalenichenko
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: The object of research is the procedure for processing digital images for remote registration of Gambusia sp., introduced into water bodies to combat malaria, which threatens not only the African region, but also other latitudes of the world. One of the most problematic areas of research is the elimination of the masking effect of a biological object under conditions of interference (for example, water turbidity) that make it difficult to recognize Gambusia sp. on digital images taken from aboard light drones. In the course of the study, approaches were used that allow dividing a digital image into segments and sub-segments, followed by determining the ratio of the colorimetric parameters of the RGB model of the bottom section. Dispersion and correlation analysis of mean values and mean square deviation values of the RGB model parameters were used. The standard deviation was considered as the degree of diversity of colorimetric parameters in the color of a biological object. The proposed procedure made it possible to reveal a moderate negative correlation between the predominance of green and yellow-orange-red phytopigments in the dynamics of the Margalef model of phytocenosis succession in the places of introduction and habitation of Gambusia sp. This is due to the fact that the shielding of phytocenosis areas by Gambusia sp. is reflected in the nature of the relationship of the colorimetric parameters of the RGB model of the bottom area, namely, they affect the correlation between the average values of the parameters G/(R+G+B)and R/G or between the mean value and the standard deviation of the parameter G/(R+G+B). This makes it possible to use Gambusia sp. in regions affected by malaria, a wide range of light drones with remote photofixation of relatively low quality. The implementation of these possibilities will require much less material costs and a small number of personnel than underwater video filming and other known methods for studying the ichthyofauna of small water bodies in conditions of interference. It is about the registration of the results of the introduction of Gambusia sp. in such water bodies to fight malaria.
Databáze: OpenAIRE