Reinforcement of weakened cusps by adhesive restorative materials: an in-vitro study

Autor: B G Smith, L C Macpherson
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: British Dental Journal. 178:341-344
ISSN: 1476-5373
Popis: Pairs of extracted premolar teeth were prepared with MOD cavities reducing the lingual cusp at its base to one of five widths: 1.25-2.25 mm. One of each pair was then restored with one of five adhesive restorative techniques and the weakened cusp of both teeth fractured by a force applied to the cusp at an angle of 30 degrees to the long axis of the tooth. At all cusp widths a layered restorative technique in which the cavities were filled to the enamel-dentine junction with glass-ionomer cement and the enamel replaced by composite, reinforced the weakened cusp more than the other restorative materials tested. This combination of materials to reinforce weakened cusps is worth considering as a cost effective alternative to removing the cusp entirely and making a crown or protecting the cusp with a cuspal coverage gold inlay.
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