Dendrothripoides Bagnall 1923

Autor: Goldarazena, Arturo, Matsumoto, Masami, Ranarilalatiana, Tolotra, Dianzinga, Niry T., Frago, Enric, Michel, Bruno
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4562756
Popis: Key to species of Dendrothripoides 1. Body bicolored, head and thorax yellow in contrast to golden brown abdomen..................................... 2 -. Body not bicolored, largely yellowish..................................................................... 3 2. Fore wing uniformly dark brown to apex, but base with anterior margin narrowly pale extending to short pale cross area at veinal fork; metanotal median area with irregular polygons, one campaniform sensillum placed slightly in advance of the other; male sternal pore plates circular, less than 15 microns in diameter (Philippines)....................... nakaharai Reyes -. Fore wing brown with apex and base pale, but with wide white cross-band distal to veinal fork (Fig. 6); metanotal median area with regular polygons, campaniform sensilla placed side-by-side; sternal pore plates of male transverse, about 20 microns wide and 5 microns long (Madagascar)............................................................... moundi sp.n. 3. Abdominal tergites with fine microtrichia arising from equiangular reticulations; tergite VIII with setae S1 and S2 almost equal in length (Philippines)................................................................ microchaetus Okajima -. Abdominal tergites with spine-like microtrichia arising from V-shaped lines of sculpture; tergite VIII with S1 setae slightly shorter than S2 setae................................................................................... 4 4. Pronotal discal setae very small and slightly lanceolate; mouth-cone conical, extending between fore coxae; abdominal tergites VI���VII with S1 setae much larger than S2 setae (Pantropical)...................................... innoxius (Karny) -. Pronotal discal setae large and distinctly lanceolate; mouth-cone long and slender, extending beyond fore coxae; abdominal tergites VI���VII with S1 setae much smaller than S2 setae...................................................... 5 5. Fore wing mainly dark brown, with small white area near base distally; males with large oval pore plates (Southern Africa).......................................................................................... venustus Faure -. Fore wing with two dark areas separated by two white areas; males with pore plates small and circular (Thailand)...................................................................................................... poni Kudo
Published as part of Goldarazena, Arturo, Matsumoto, Masami, Ranarilalatiana, Tolotra, Dianzinga, Niry T., Frago, Enric & Michel, Bruno, 2020, Dendrothripoides moundi (Thysanoptera, Thripidae), a new species from Madagascar, pp. 396-400 in Zootaxa 4877 (2) on page 397, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4877.2.12,
Databáze: OpenAIRE