Utility of Electronic Device for Medication Management in Patients with Hypertension: A Pilot Study

Autor: Steven R. Erickson, Duane M. Kirking, Frank J. Ascione
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 45:88-91
ISSN: 1544-3191
Popis: Electronic interactive technology is being used in medical care to enhance communication between the patient and health care provider, as well as the patient’s performance of appropriate health behaviors. Research has demonstrated the value of technology in enhancing medication-taking behavior, capturing medicationtaking events, and generating reports to health care providers.1–4 These devices can capture other patient-specific information such as blood pressure, presence of symptoms, and functional status in “real time” rather than depending on patient recall at a later date. What is lacking in these studies is a clear view of how medication management devices fit with existing patient monitoring and feedback processes, which depend on the interaction between patients and their health care providers. Clinical endpoints are also lacking. We had the opportunity to conduct a pilot study of a medication management system that used patient-specific information to tailor the electronic interactive technology to each individual patient’s needs and behaviors.
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