The Impact of Inappropriate Modeling of Cross-Classified Data Structures

Autor: Jason L. Meyers, S. Natasha Beretvas
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Multivariate Behavioral Research. 41:473-497
ISSN: 1532-7906
DOI: 10.1207/s15327906mbr4104_3
Popis: Cross-classified random effects modeling (CCREM) is used to model multilevel data from nonhierarchical contexts. These models are widely discussed but infrequently used in social science research. Because little research exists assessing when it is necessary to use CCREM, 2 studies were conducted. A real data set with a cross-classified structure was analyzed by comparing parameter estimates when ignoring versus modeling the cross-classified data structure. A follow-up simulation study investigated potential factors affecting the need to use CCREM. Results indicated that when the structure is ignored, fixed-effect estimates were unaffected, but standard error estimates associated with the variables modeled incorrectly were biased. Estimates of the variance components also displayed bias, which was related to several study factors.
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