Comparison of thermophilic anaerobic digestion characteristics between single-phase and two-phase systems for kitchen garbage treatment

Autor: Yong-Jin Park, Hiroshi Tsuno, Taira Hidaka, Feng Hong, Jihoon Cheon
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Journal of bioscience and bioengineering. 105(1)
ISSN: 1389-1723
Popis: Lab-scale single-phase and two-phase thermophilic methane fermentation systems (SPS and TPS, respectively) were operated and fed with artificial kitchen waste. In both SPS and TPS, the highest methane recovery ratio of 90%, in terms of chemical oxygen demand by dichromate (CODcr), was observed at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 15 gCODcr/(l.d). The ratio of particle CODcr remaining to total CODcr in the influent was 0.1 and the ratio of NH(4)-N concentration to the input total nitrogen concentration was 0.5 in both SPS and TPS. However, the propionate concentration in the SPS reactor fluctuated largely and was 2 gCODcr/l higher than that in TPS, indicating less stable digestion. Regardless, efficient kitchen waste degradation can be accomplished in both SPS and TPS at an OLR of20 gCODcr/(l.d), even though TPS may be more stable and easier to maintain. Bacillus coagulans predominated with an occupied ratio of approximately 90% in the acid fermentation reactor of TPS, and then a richer microbial community with a higher Shannon index value was maintained in the methane fermentation reactor of TPS than in the SPS reactor.
Databáze: OpenAIRE