The use and profitability of hermetic technologies for grain storage among smallholder farmers in eastern Kenya

Autor: Dieudonne Baributsa, A.W. Njoroge
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Stored Products Research
ISSN: 1879-1212
Popis: Hermetic storage technologies (HSTs) have been disseminated in Sub-Saharan Africa (including Kenya) to reduce grain storage losses among farmers. We carried out a study in three counties in eastern Kenya to assess the use and profitability of HSTs among farmers. Data were collected from 613 farmers using a semi-structured questionnaire and Kobo Toolbox via android tablets. Results showed an increase in use of HSTs among farmers from 53.7% in 2015 to 91.2% in 2017. PICS was the most used hermetic bags by farmers (84%) in 2017. Majority of farmers (73.5%) received training in the use of HSTs from extension agents and agro-dealers. About 40% of respondents purchased additional (one to five) bags after their first experience using them. The quantity of grain produced made up about half of the farmer’s decision to store. The primary reason (87%) farmers used hermetic bags was the need to manage insect pests. Maize and beans were the most produced and most stored crops; but maize was the most stored in HST. Grain price seasonality showed a near doubling effect between the lean and harvest seasons. Estimates of the return on investments (ROI) ranged between 13 and 80% for all crops and maize stored in hermetic bags had the highest ROI. Awareness and trainings are key in increasing adoption and proper use of HSTs.
Highlights • Use of hermetic storage technologies (HSTs) in Eastern Kenya significantly increased from 2015 to 2017. • PICS bags were the leading brand but AgroZ bags’ market share was increasing. • Maize was the most stored crop in HSTs followed by common beans and pigeon peas. • Maize was the most profitable crop (highest return on investment) to store in hermetic bags.
Databáze: OpenAIRE