Additional file 2: of Action to Support Practices Implement Research Evidence (ASPIRE): protocol for a cluster-randomised evaluation of adaptable implementation packages targeting â high impactâ clinical practice recommendations in general practice

Autor: Willis, Thomas, Hartley, Suzanne, Glidewell, Liz, Farrin, Amanda, Lawton, Rebecca, McEachan, Rosemary, Ingleson, Emma, Heudtlass, Peter, Collinson, Michelle, Clamp, Susan, Hunter, Cheryl, Ward, Vicky, Hulme, Claire, Meads, David, Bregantini, Daniele, Carder, Paul, Foy, Robbie
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3596891_d2
Popis: Confirmation of ethical approval. (PDF 262Â kb)
Databáze: OpenAIRE