Modified Osteotomy to Manage Anterior Constriction With Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion

Autor: Beyza Hancioglu Kircelli, Zafer Ozgur Pektas, Ulkem Cilasun
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 66:1538-1541
ISSN: 0278-2391
DOI: 10.1016/j.joms.2007.06.661
Popis: for ransverse maxillary hypoplasia, in adolescents a dults, is seen frequently in nonsyndromal and romal patients including patients with cleft p tes. In skeletally mature individuals, unilateral ilateral transverse hypoplasia can be corrected surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansi SARME). This treatment for maxillary expansion ombination of orthodontic and surgical pro ures, was introduced in 1938 for skeletally ma atients. Since then, several modifications f ARME have been introduced. However, no cons us exists regarding surgical technique, type of ractor used (tooth-borne or bone-borne), cau nd degree of relapse, and whether or not ove ection is necessary. 2 Because treatment focuses o he location of expansion resistance, the severity he deficiency, and the required expansion ra arious combinations of maxillary, pterygopalatin ateral nasal, septal, and palatine osteotomies h een used. This technical note presents a modified osteoto esign to manage a remarkable anterior constrict ith SARME.
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