Remarks on monotone (weak) Lindelöfness

Autor: Maddalena Bonanzinga, Filippo Cammaroto, Masami Sakai
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Topology and its Applications. 225:195-205
ISSN: 0166-8641
DOI: 10.1016/j.topol.2017.04.009
Popis: Using Erdos–Rado's theorem, we show that (1) every monotonically weakly Lindelof space satisfies the property that every family of cardinality c + consisting of nonempty open subsets has an uncountable linked subfamily; (2) every monotonically Lindelof space has strong caliber ( c + , ω 1 ) , in particular a monotonically Lindelof space is hereditarily c -Lindelof and hereditarily c -separable. (1) gives an answer of a question posed in Bonanzinga, Cammaroto and Pansera [3] , and (2) gives partial answers of questions posed in Levy and Matveev [15] . Some other properties on monotonically (weakly) Lindelof spaces are also discussed. For example, we show that the Pixley–Roy space P R ( X ) of a space X is monotonically Lindelof if and only if X is countable and every finite power of X is monotonically Lindelof.
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