Ecological Systems Theory: (Re)constructing Identity in Toni Morrison's Beloved

Autor: Iva Donelli, Gordan Matas
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu
Issue 13
Volume 0
ISSN: 1846-9426
Popis: In this paper, Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved (1987) will be considered from the point of view of developmental psychology. Morrison’s works can be seen as representing an intertwinement of social, historico-political and emotional themes which play a crucial role in the identity construction of the author’s characters. Therefore, the Ecological Systems Theory proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner will be employed to closely examine how the identities of Morrison’s characters are being shaped in the novel. The usage of the five systems on which Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model is based– chronosystem, macrosystem, exosystem, mesosystem and microsystem, will provide an often missing holistic approach necessary for better understanding of how and why Morrison’s characters are (un)able to complete their developmental journey of identity construction successfully.
U ovom radu roman Beloved (1987.) autorice Toni Morrison razmatrat će se sa stajališta razvojne psihologije. Djela autorice Morrison često su isprepletanje društvenih, povijesno-političkih i emocionalnih tema koje imaju ključnu ulogu u konstrukciji identiteta autoričinih likova. Iz tog razloga, teorija ekoloških sustava Urija Bronfenbrennera koristit će se u svrhu detaljne analize načina na koje Morrison (re)konstruira identitet likova u romanu. Korištenje pet sustava na kojima se temelji Bronfenbrennerov bioekološki model – krono, makro, egzo, mezo i mikrosustav omogućit će često zanemareni holistički pristup koji je potreban zbog boljeg razumijevanja načina i razloga koji o(ne)mogućuju likovima Toni Morrison da uspješno završe svoje razvojno putovanje izgradnje identiteta.
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