Jerzy Tomaszewski. Rzeczpospolita wielu narodów (A Republic of Many Nations). Czytelnik: Warsaw. 1985. Pp. 287

Autor: Józef Lewandowski
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 1
Popis: This chapter looks at Jerzy Tomaszewski's A Republic of Many Nations (1985). This book began, as is often the case, in a much humbler form, as a cycle of articles published in 1981 in the Warsaw weekly Folksztyme, the organ of Poland's now non-existent Jews. The articles took as their subject, the Jews of Poland in the inter-war years 1918–1939. The author, Professor Jerzy Tomaszewski, is an outstanding economic historian, a Pole who knows Yiddish and is also concerned with the history of national minorities in Poland. The weekly Folksztyme is read by Jews abroad and also has its Polish readers. Tomaszewski's articles found a keen audience among the latter.
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