Heilus faldermanni

Autor: Lira, Aline De Oliveira, Sousa, Wesley Oliveira De, Rosado-Neto, Germano Henrique, Santos, Geane Brizzola Dos, Marques, Marinêz Isaac
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4414609
Popis: Heilus faldermanni (Boheman, 1836) (Figs. 10, 18H, 19G, 20G, 21G, 22G, 23H) Heilipus faldermanni Boheman, 1836:215 (description); Boheman 1843:51 (citation); Blackwelder 1947:818 (checklist). Heilipodus faldermanni: Kuschel 1955:295 (combination). Hilipus faldermanni: Gemminger & Harold 1871:2427 (catalog); Dalla Torre et al. 1932:30 (catalog). Heilus faldermanni: Wibmer & O���Brien 1986:145 (combination). Type material. Heilipus faldermanni Boheman, 1836: we examined the images of the holotype (Fig. 10), undetermined sex, bearing the following label ���Typus; Brasilia; Coll. Ma��erh.; NHRS���TOBI 000003217���, deposited in the NHRS. Redescription. Length (pronotum and elytra) of males and females 10.0 to 11.3/11.0 to 13.5 mm, respectively. Integument opaque, color varying from reddish-brown to black. Rostrum about 1.2 times longer than pronotum; about 4.2 times longer than apical width of rostrum in females and about 3.3 times in males. Thorax. Pronotum (Figs. 10 A���B) narrow at apex, widening on sides, about 1.3 times wider than long, subparallel in basal half, smooth in center, with some oblique granules, slightly elevated on sides; short scales, dark brown and yellowish color, distributed sparsely on pronotum, two bands of larger, yellowish scales on sides, extending up to half of pronotum, and smaller band in center of pronotum next to scutellum. Elytra (Figs. 10 A���B) about 1.6 times longer than wide, without dorsal granules, few small and transverse granules in elytral humeri and apical elytral calli; small clusters of yellowish setae at humeri; small clusters of yellowish, flattened scales, interspersed and inserted into punctures of striae; clusters of velvety black scales forming macula in median area of teardrop-shaped elytra, posterior margin surrounded by row of yellow setae, localized between striae 3 to 8; striae with fine punctures; scales more condensed near elytral suture and at elytral apex; apical elytral calli very high. Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus (Fig. 18H) with apex rounded in sides, with slight depression in center, and two small tufts of short setae; median lobe apodemes about 2 times longer than median lobe. Internal sac sclerite trilobate (Fig. 19G), with two strongly sclerotized projections. Tegmen (Fig. 20G). Manubrium straight, elongate about 2.4 times longer than dorsal lobes, with apex slightly enlarged. Female genitalia (Fig. 21G). Coxites with short setae near insertion of styli; styli elongate, with dense, elongate apical setae. Spermathecal duct of median length inserted into central region of bursa copulatrix, near to common oviduct. Spermathecal capsule (Fig. 22G) moderately curved, collum elongate, ramus non-prominent, and cornu rounded at apex; spermathecal gland elongate, enlarged at base and narrow at apex. Dimensions (mm). Males/females, respectively. TBL: 10.0���11.3/11.0���13.5; TRL: 3.0���3.1/3.0���4.5; MHx: 3.3���4.1/4.2���5.6; RAW: 0.9���1.0/0.9���1.0; RBW: 0.8���0.9/0.8���1.1; IO: 0.5/0.4���0.6; PnL: 2.7���3.1/2.8���3.7; PnMW: 3.4���4.0/4.0���5.0; PnBW: 3.2���3.8/3.9���4.8; EL: 7.3���8.3/8.1���9.5; EW: 4.6���5.0/5.0���6.2. Non-type material examined. In total, 31 specimens were examined. BRAZIL: Par��: Mangabeira���Mocajuba, 1, iv.1953, Orlando Rego (MNRJ); Esp��rito Santo: Linhares, 1♂, iii.1953, Padre Almeida Teles (MNRJ), 1♂, xii.1965 (DZUP), 1, iii.1954, P.A. Teles (MNRJ), 1♀, x.1966, A. Maller (DZUP), R. Bonito, 1♀, xi.1964, A. Maller (DZUP), Rio Itabapoana, 1♂, 28.xi.1908, J.F. Zikan (FIOC); Rio de Janeiro: Estrada Rio���S��o Paulo, 1, xi.1944, WSGod (MNRJ), Floresta da Tijuca, 1, ii.1932, C.A. Campos Seabra (MNRJ), 1, ii.1936, C.A. Campos Seabra (MNRJ), Itatiaia, 1♀, 22.xii.1928, J.F. Zikan (FIOC), 1♂, 27.xi.1930, J.F. Zikan (FIOC), Rep. R. Grande, 1♂, 10.iv.1967 (DZUP), 1♀, 10.xi.1966 (DZUP), 1♂, 15.xi.1967, F.M. Oliveira (DZUP), 1♂, 23.xi.1960, F.M. Oliveira (DZUP), Represa Rio Grande, 1, iii.1961, F.M. Oliveira (MNRJ), Rio de Janeiro, 1, 10.v.36 (MNRJ), 1♀ (DZUP), 1, iii.1932, Ren�� Vosgien (MNRJ), Rio de Janeiro���Corcovado, 1♂, ix.1961, M. Alvarenga (MZSP), Rio Murihae, 1♀, 15.xi.1908, J.F. Zikan (FIOC); S��o Paulo: S��o Sebasti��o, 1♀, ii.1958 (DZUP), Santo Amaro, 1♀, 14.i.1973, S.A. Vanin (MZSP). Undefined locality: 1, 1933, C.R. H. (MNRJ), 1 (MNRJ); 2 (MNRJ), Sa��de, 1♂, 13.xii.1917 (MNRJ), 1♀, 31.i.1915 (MNRJ), 1♂ (MNRJ). Geographical distribution. This species occurs in Paraguay and Brazil ( Wibmer & O���Brien 1986). In this study we present the distribution according the Brazilian biomes, in the Amazon Forest (Par�� state), and in the Atlantic Forest (Esp��rito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, and S��o Paulo states) (Fig. 23H). Associated plants. Unknown. Remarks. Heilus faldermanni differs from the other species by the integument being almost glabrous, with few short scales on the elytra, more concentrated near the elytral suture, and in the obsolete granules only at the humeri and apical elytral calli; with large velvety black macula.
Published as part of Lira, Aline De Oliveira, Sousa, Wesley Oliveira De, Rosado-Neto, Germano Henrique, Santos, Geane Brizzola Dos & Marques, Marin��z Isaac, 2020, A review of the South American species of Heilus Kuschel, 1955 (Curculionidae Molytinae: Molytini: Hylobiina) with emphasis on those from Brazil, pp. 151-187 in Zootaxa 4861 (2) on pages 169-170, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4861.2.1, http://zenodo.org/record/4414684
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