Additional file 2: of Observational, prospective, multicentre study to evaluate the effects of counselling on the choice of combined hormonal contraceptives in Italyâ the ECOS (Educational COunselling effectS) study

Autor: Gambera, Alessandro, Corda, Fedela, Papa, Rosetta, Bastianelli, Carlo, Bucciantini, Sandra, Dessole, Salvatore, Scagliola, Pasquale, Bernardini, Nadia, Feo, Daniela De, Beligotti, Fabiola
Rok vydání: 2015
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3639461_d1
Popis: Questionnaire. The file provides the questionnaire compiled by the subjects. (DOC 193 kb)
Databáze: OpenAIRE