On statistical A-summability

Autor: Osama H. H. Edely, Mohammad Mursaleen
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 49(3-4):672-680
ISSN: 0895-7177
DOI: 10.1016/j.mcm.2008.05.053
Popis: Let A=(a"n"k)"n","k"="1^~ be an infinite matrix and x=(x"k)"k"="1^~ a sequence of real or complex numbers. Then the A-transform of x is a sequence Ax=(A"n(x)) where A"n(x)[email protected]?"k"="1^~a"n"kx"k provided that the series converges for each n; and the sequence x is said to be A-summable if Ax is convergent. In this paper we define statistical A-summability of x, that is, x is said to be statistically A-summable if Ax is statistically convergent. We study here many other related concepts and provide some interesting examples.
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