Getting to the Gate: Crystallization of a Sac3CID:Sus1:Cdc31 Complex

Autor: Gwendolyn M. Wilmes, Christine Guthrie
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Molecular Cell
ISSN: 1097-2765
DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2009.03.003
Popis: Summary The yeast Sac3:Cdc31:Sus1:Thp1 (TREX-2) complex facilitates the repositioning and association of actively transcribing genes with nuclear pores (NPCs)—“gene gating”—that is central to integrating transcription, processing, and mRNA nuclear export. We present here the crystal structure of Sus1 and Cdc31 bound to a central region of Sac3 (the CID domain) that is crucial for its function. Sac3CID forms a long, gently undulating α helix around which one Cdc31 and two Sus1 chains are wrapped. Sus1 has an articulated helical hairpin fold that facilitates its wrapping around Sac3. In vivo studies using engineered mutations that selectively disrupted binding of individual chains to Sac3 indicated that Sus1 and Cdc31 function synergistically to promote NPC association of TREX-2 and mRNA nuclear export. These data indicate Sac3CID provides a scaffold within TREX-2 to integrate interactions between protein complexes to facilitate the coupling of transcription and mRNA export during gene expression.
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