Massive vitreous gel incarceration into the subretinal space following traumatic retinal detachment in a young patient: a case report

Autor: Mihori Kita, Shin Yoshitake, Takafumi Hirashima, Miou Hirose, Hideyasu Oh
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Clinical Ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.)
ISSN: 1177-5483
Popis: Purpose: This paper reports a young patient with a traumatic rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and massive vitreous gel incarceration into the subretinal space, who was successfully treated with 23-gauge transconjunctival vitrectomy. Case report: An 11-year-old boy was referred to the authors’ clinic with traumatic retinal detachment in the right eye, 2 weeks after ocular contusion in a baseball accident. At the time of the injury, emergency fundus examination by his local doctor had revealed vitreous hemorrhage in the inferior quadrant of the right eye. Visual acuity was 1.5. He had continued to play baseball as usual for 2 weeks after the injury. At his first visit to the authors’ clinic, fundus examination showed a highly bullous retinal detachment involving the inferior two quadrants, associated with multiple irregular retinal breaks. There was an oval hole in the inferior quadrant which was 10-disc diameter × 5-disc diameter in size and was surrounded by edematous and hemorrhagic retina. The macula remained attached. Absolute rest for 4 hours in the supine position with binocular occlusion did not diminish the height of the retinal detachment. A 23-gauge three-port pars plana vitrectomy combined with 360° circumferential buckling was performed under general anesthesia. The lens was retained. Incarceration of massive vitreous gel, including vitreous hemorrhage into the subretinal space through the largest break, was observed during vitrectomy. Reattachment of the retina was achieved by fluid–air exchange and internal tamponade using SF 6 gas. At follow-up at 9 months, the retina remained attached and visual acuity in the right eye was 1.2.
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