[Cranial Facial 3D Biometry: Statistical analysis of Class II disharmonies]

Autor: Jacques Treil, Arlette Oueiss, Jacques Faure
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: L' Orthodontie francaise. 91(1-2)
ISSN: 1954-3395
Popis: We could study Cone Beam documents of patients consulting in ORL with standard Angle Class I occlusion (45 ND), patients consulting in orthodontics with an orthodontic Class II (51 APNS) and patients with a surgical Class II (83 APS). The used 3D biometry calculates systematically a 164 set of parameters able to take into account all kinds of disharmonies; among which 38 parameters are specifically devoted to anterior-posterior "off asymmetry" pathologies. Then the specific Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs treat morphological data and give textual diagnoses. Analysis of the global sample aims to control the efficiency, separating different sub-samples one each other: t test appreciates efficiency of each parameter to recognize clinical sub-sample. The correlation coefficient, r, between each parameter and pseudo Angle molars Class II (GMMy-Gmmy) give the importance of its tie with Class II pathology. Presentation of parameters medium values in each sub-group gives the medium profiles. By direct comparison of patient's parameters values with medium profile, it is possible to locate patient's pathology. So we can take in account new parameters like arches upper/lower gap, anterior bases upper/lower gap, compensatingparameters... It is then possible to make more secure the clinical decision.
Databáze: OpenAIRE