Chaotic Dynamical Ferromagnetic Phase Induced by Nonequilibrium Quantum Fluctuations

Autor: Jamir Marino, Alessandro Silva, Alessio Lerose, Andrea Gambassi, Bojan Žunkovič
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Physical Review Letters
ISSN: 1079-7114
Popis: We investigate the robustness of a dynamical phase transition against quantum fluctuations by studying the impact of a ferromagnetic nearest-neighbour spin interaction in one spatial dimension on the non-equilibrium dynamical phase diagram of the fully-connected quantum Ising model. In particular, we focus on the transient dynamics after a quantum quench and study the pre-thermal state via a combination of analytic time-dependent spin-wave theory and numerical methods based on matrix product states. We find that, upon increasing the strength of the quantum fluctuations, the dynamical critical point fans out into a chaotic dynamical phase within which the asymptotic ordering is characterised by strong sensitivity to the parameters and initial conditions. We argue that such a phenomenon is general, as it arises from the impact of quantum fluctuations on the mean-field out of equilibrium dynamics of any system which exhibits a broken discrete symmetry.
5+8 pages, 3+2 figures; revised version
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