A study on attitudes towards free time activities: Edirne city center exampleSerbest zaman aktivitelerine yönelik tutumların incelenmesi: Edirne il merkezi örneği

Autor: Neşe Aydemir, İlhan Toksöz, Adil Oğuzhan
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journal of Human Sciences; Vol 14, No 4 (2017); 3940-3949
Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi; Vol 14, No 4 (2017); 3940-3949
ISSN: 2458-9489
Popis: The aim of this study is evaluating the people’s attitudes for free time activities. In order to determine whether the free time activity attitude differs according to the sociodemographic structures of the people, sampling method was applied to a total of 235 persons, 115 women and 120 men living in Edirne city center. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with individuals in various age groups living in Edirne province center.In accordance with this aim, in order to state whether people’s attitudes for free time activities change or not according to their socio-demographic structure, “Free Time Attitudes Scale” which is developed by “Raghep G” and “Beard” (1982), Turkish validity of which and confidence of which has been proved by Gurbuz,Akgul (2010) was reorganized. The Cronbach Alpha reliability of scale was found to be 0,966. It is believed that your scale is reliable because this value is close to 1. As a method in this study, beside the descriptive statistics about socio-demographic structure of people of Edirne, factor analysis has been applied to free time activities attitudes scale. As a result of dimension reduction, the three sub-dimensions which are mental and social benefit, emotional benefit and physical treatment, has been achieved. Also, whether there is a difference in these three sub-dimensions according to people’s socio-demopgraphic structure has been examined by using “Mann Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis” tests. Consequently, when we look at the gender and civil status of the people, no meaningful difference is seen. When we look at the examination results’ difference levels, according to individuals’ ages, a meaningful difference in emotinal benefit has been observed. Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file . Ozet Bu calismanin amaci, halkin serbest zaman aktivitelerine yonelik tutumlarinin degerlendirilmesidir. Serbest zaman aktivite tutumunun halkin sosyo-demografik yapilarina gore farklilik gosterip gostermedigini belirlemek amaciyla, Edirne il merkezinde yasayan 115’i bayan 120’si erkek olmak uzere toplam 235 bireye kolayda ornekleme yontemi uygulanmistir. Edirne il merkezinde yasayan cesitli yas gruplarindaki bireylerle yuz yuze gorusme gerceklestirilmistir. Bu gorusmelerde Edirne halkinin sosyo-demografik yapilarina iliskin sorularin yaninda Ragheb G. ve Beard (1982) tarafindan gelistirilen, Gurbuz, Akgul (2010) tarafindan Turkce gecerlilik ve guvenirligi yapilan Likert olcek yeniden duzenlenerek kullanilmistir. Olcegin Cronbach Alpha guvenirligi 0,966 olarak bulunmustur. 1 degerine yakin oldugundan olcegin guvenilir oldugu anlasilmaktadir. Calismada yontem olarak Edirne halkinin sosyo-demografik yapilarina iliskin betimsel istatistiklerin yaninda serbest zaman aktiviteleri tutum olcegine faktor analizi uygulanarak boyut indirgeme sonucu uc alt boyut olan zihinsel ve sosyal fayda, duygusal fayda ve fiziksel davranis boyutlari elde edilmistir. Ayrica halkin sosyo-demografik yapilarina gore bu uc alt boyuta iliskin egilimlerinde bir farklilik olup olmadigi Mann Whitney U ve Kruskal- Wallis testleri ile test edilmistir. Sonuc olarak bireylerin cinsiyet ve medeni hal bagimsiz degiskenleri acisindan bakildiginda anlamli bir farklilik gorulmemektedir.
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